Vittorio Thanks .....
............... Saturday night (06/14/2008 ed) I was at the Royal Festival Hall in London, and I've enjoyed Massive Attack, with my daughter, too happy at the end. A band of a dozen people, a concert preceded by a shared anti-Bush campaign, and fueled by the fact that the day after Bush was visiting London. I was standing alongside the stage, but on the high side, so it was like I was on stage. The acoustics were bad in my case, but the view was first class. Del Naja constantly present to his DJ equipment, its socioinvece that came and went from the stage like a bar. A black bass, bass, wide as a wardrobe, just as bad on the ropes. Crimsoniane two batteries, a nice guitar, even from these things you understand that the love naja Fripp, a huge battery of keyboards and two great vocalists, especially the black, the blonde seemed to be much smaller intriguing. Volume unusually modest, but perhaps it was due alfatto that we were in a theater rather chic. The new songs I can not judge them, I once heard have said little, but it is likely that riscoltati calmly, will collect their success. The historical passages, however, have dance / unpack all. Are to be reviewed as soon as possible in the Veneto, for strength. On Sunday evening, instead I was forced to choose between the Gong, in a classic old dirty smelly room in the suburbs, with YMO and Sakamoto in the theater next to the luxurious Royal Festival Hall. I chose Gong, my daughter has been at the hotel, so I took the Northern line (infamous subway, known as the black) and went down in a popular neighborhood those very experiences. I must say that I was fine, I've just had a fight with a bagarrino who wanted to give me five pounds for my second ticket in the end, exhausted, I gave them 12, then I queued in the middle of an aura of characters not all of you could imagine. I was certainly among the youngest. In short, people who see Gong c'eratutta Aellen & Co. has long been known, only aged by 40 years. Beautiful place, rivers of beer, quiet people, not by us that if you take a seat (in feet) and then do so to move to get a beer and come back after you stab. I was behind the counter mix-lights, and I saw very well, felt even better. The concert say a few things: la prima, un Theo Travis veramente di livello superiore, suona con una padronanza straordinaria. Magnifico David, con la babbiona che ormai fà quello che può. Stupefacente, a dir poco, il batterista di colore, non ricordo il nome ma ormai da anni è coi Gong. Sopra tutti, Howlettal basso. Credetemi, è uno dei più grandi bassisti esistenti, poi si concia come un pazzo (aveva una tunica da monatto, poi è entrata una marocchina incazzata, l'ha spogliato da terra, e lui è rimasto con la solita maglietta color argento e gli occhiali con le spirali). Nel mentre, ha ballato, saltato, ha fatto un casino dell'ostrega sempre suonando pazzescamente. Invece, Hillage e la Michetta mi sonosembrati fuori quadro. E' ovvio che quando Hillage parte con la chitarra, c'è ben poco da dire, ma è anche vero che l'ultimo tipo di musica dei Gong, secondo me, non gli si addice. Il repertorio è stato cmq molto all'insegna del passato, con un paio di pezzi nuovi molto rocchettari di Hillage. Voi tutti sapete che cultura hanno gli inglesi ai concerti. Noi siamo lontani anni luce. Anni luce. Ho messo 4 foto, ma di scarsa qualità. Ho usato la compatta di mia figlia, per un imperdonabile errore non avevo la mia Leica. Obsps. : un nanetto : sono fermo all'uscita del tube di Baker street e mi si avvicina un sessantenne dall'aria italiana; mi offre unbiglietto per quei bus scoperti che girano londra, e che sono molto utili se volete vedervi la città comodamente seduti. Mi parla subito in a very good Italian, but I ask him where, he says,''I have a small Greek island, no one knows.'' I stung my passion for the Aegean, I say, what? he answers: the name is Castellorizo, to which I reply: sorry, try to be more precise, Castellorizo \u200b\u200bis the name of Venice, the island is called in your source Megisti! (You may have guessed I am speaking of that island). Even after 10 'whooping conversation, he wanted at the end of his turn to go to his house to drink un'ouzo homemade and taste of the feta that had just arrived. I must say that I enjoyed, when, thanks but andandomene, I heard him say to his English colleague: christ, this is the first con cui parlo in 3 annic he sà da dove vengo ! proprio vero, una fazza una razza.
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