Monday, May 17, 2010

How To Stop A Weave From Tangling

Process "Global Service" acquitted Antonio Pugliese.

fall, after two years, the accusations against Antonio Pugliese, a former vice president of the province of Naples. Pugliese was involved in an investigation on the procurement of maintenance granted to the company by the city of Naples Romeo and other public entities. The main accused in the vein of inquiry is Alfredo Romeo, founder and owner of the company, guilty of having created, according to prosecutors, a system of dense frameworks under which all contracts for the maintenance of the city of Naples were entrusted to the company entrepreneur and conniving with the vote of the City Council. Among others, the contract is called "Global Service", which then will give the name to the process, to be under the magnifying glass of the investigators, the contract which would have entrusted exclusively to the ordinary and extraordinary maintenance of city streets to the spa Romeo
For Antonio Pugliese and the other suspects had been made against her in various ways, allegations that were heavy in a criminal association aimed at the disruption of auction, abuse of office, through the falsification of public document, the corruption and the disclosure of official secrets. According to prosecutors Vincent D'Onofrio and Raphael Falcone, the defendants were guilty of "direct to enable companies linked to the group Romeo the award of public contracts. "
Immediately after the registration of the suspects, Pugliese, former City Councilman Casoria the ranks of the SDI, a position confirmed several times until 2003 before taking his seat in offices in Piazza Matteotti Naples, resigned in a letter to then-President of the Province Dino Di Palma.
The story Romeo, in hindsight, directly affects our city and not just because Antonio Pugliese was a prominent politician of Casoria, but also because la ditta di Alfredo Romeo fu coinvolta nell'annosa vicenda degli ex operai della “Castaldo”. Come scritto qualche settimana fa sulle colonne di questo giornale, la “Romeo” fu aggiudicataria di un appalto che concedeva i lavori di manutenzione dei siti scolastici in territorio cittadino alla ditta con sede al Centro Direzionale, appalto che fu poi abbandonato pochi giorni prima dell'esplosione dello scandalo, forse anche per i “rumors” circa un'imminente inchiesta. Ricordiamo che, a corollario dell’aggiudicazione della gara, vi era l’accordo che prevedeva l’assorbimento degli ex operai “Castaldo” che sarebbero finalmente ritornati a lavorare dopo lunghi anni di inoperosità forzata.    
This of "Global Service" is a story that, according to the latest developments, it has been deflating over time in both counts that the involvement of prominent figures of politics and national bell. If at first the PM, coordinated by the head of the DDA Franco Roberti, had asked for twenty coercive measures, the judge granted only thirteen. Still, at the end of the process, of the thirteen defendants were actually convicted of only two leading figures in the investigation, but charges significantly downsized. This is Romeo and Alfredo Mario Mautone to whom is ascribed the only crime of corruption. For the two was comminata una pena reclusiva di due anni, poi sospesa, e l’inibizione per cinque anni dai pubblici uffici. Il giudice disporrà anche il dissequestro delle aziende di proprietà di Romeo. E’ evidente che la sentenza dia una misura di minore gravità rispetto a quello che era il castello accusatorio iniziale che ora sembra essere caduto rovinosamente.  
Non sarebbe dunque esistita quella fitta rete di complicità e connivenze politico-istituzionali che sarebbero state le solide fondamenta del “sistema Romeo”. Dalla sentenza di primo grado scaturisce la piena assoluzione degli altri indagati. Risulterà quindi pulita la figura di Antonio Pugliese che era stato considerato, in prima battuta, un ingranaggio di quel meccanismo perverso di favori che di fatto annullava, nel teorema accusatorio dei PM, la libera concorrenza nel mercato degli appalti.


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