Wednesday, June 2, 2010

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"Carrefour" policy casoriana try to mediate between the parties.

Il centro commerciale Carrefour attraversa l’ennesima fase critica della sua storia. Nato alla fine degli 70, the former "Euromarket" was a pilot project could become a center of attraction for the whole Campania. The change in the trading system and the liberalization in the granting of licenses have meant that the 90's, the supermarket has encountered serious difficulties with ownership changes and layoffs. Circumstances, those who have opened yet another chapter in the long book of unhealthy work situation in Casoria.
In these days tell of yet another change of hands. In fact, the current owner, the Business Development Company of Milan holds Ipercasoria (The group that controls the supermarket), is negotiating the sale entrepreneur Luciano Novelli, former "franchisee" to "GS" and "Diperdì. The washers are over one hundred and fifty employees, and of these, from what transpires from the draft agreement, it should be assumed only 60%, non-continuity of the employment contract concluded previously.
To try to find a solution to the crisis there was a special city council. The town, in fact, intends to become a mediator between the parties in order to protect the greatest number of employees, 80% of which are casoriani.
In a packed council chamber just to get the first word is Louis Russo, who calls the meeting of the absence of unions, a position which will join later also D'Anna di Sinistra Critica. The chairman of the City Council, Gennaro Nocera says that previously there had already been a meeting with the trade unions, including the town that "has been done to open a load table which has the aim to create dialogue between the incoming and old property. "
Assessor Balsam PD, therefore, asks if there have been innovations in the time lag between the earlier meeting with the trade unions and that the city council. Introduced by Mayor Ferrara, Storti is the commissioner to respond. Stressing that the Carrefour - Novelli is a negotiation between private and that the municipality may have only a marginal role, Storti said there is a willingness to have it maintained the current level of employment. In this sense, the administration has already done so, the assessor continues to trade, to meet the trade unions and other parties, both at the municipal and Carrefour. It also recalls that at the beginning of May there was a meeting in a hotel in Naples with the leaders of Carrefour, GS and the RSU, which was made a commitment di creare un tavolo di concertazione in cui la stessa amministrazione comunale potesse presenziare. Secondo Storti “un tavolo di concertazione è utile per capire il futuro di tutta l’area ove insiste il Carrefour”. L’auspicio, chiude l’assessore, è che il Conisiglio Comunale faccia delle proposte costruttive evitando la demagogia data dalle finte speranze offerte ai lavoratori.
Immediata la reazione di Nando D’Anna che punta l’indice contro il sistema di accordi che la vecchia proprietà del supermercato sta prendendo con Novelli. Il consigliere ritiene che la questione Carrefour dovrebbe essere l’occasione per la creazione di un tavolo di ampio respiro in cui si parli anche e soprattutto delle altre criticità occupazionali cittadine, a partire dalla condizione degli LSU.
Che sia necessario inquadrare la cessione del supermercato nell’ambito della pianificazione commerciale del territorio è il succo del pensiero del consigliere Pasquale Fuccio del PD. L’approvazione del piano urbanistico comunale (PUC) e di quello commerciale (SIAD) sarebbero elementi per affrontare al meglio la situazione contingente. “Programmare lo sviluppo delle aree commerciali – dice Fuccio – aiuta gli eventuali acquirenti a fare programmi lavorativi maggiormente efficaci”. In questo contesto si incastona anche l’annosa GEFI each of the workers, of which we have discussed several times in this newspaper. A more effective program would also help to solve the dispute first. Fucci, commentary, Carrefour believes that the story should be a springboard for the final resolution of the issues PUC and SIAD, far from being resolved.
But it is not possible to separate the current crisis in Carrefour by changes in the commercial reality of the region. "The Carrefour - supports Ramaglia UDC - pay for the mismanagement of the Campania region, which has allowed too many shopping centers would open in the vicinity of the territory Casorati". So the responsibility of the decadence of the historic site would be found in the opening of small shops in the city center, but in the system of licensing, bestowed in a too generous. The risk that shopping centers will become "the new brownfield" is concrete.
Polizio Fortunato has a different opinion which raises the Campania region from the responsibilities of a license easier for business permits, stating that the "Bersani Law" to have liberalized the mechanism. The director of PDL is said in favor of liberalization, provided it is done in an intelligent, ossia se inquadrata in un programma di sviluppo che favorisca anche la sfera sociale e non solo quella economico-produttiva. Si ritorna, dunque, al discorso dell’approvazione del SIAD, così come sostenuto da Fuccio. Il ruolo della politica, fa notare Polizio, è proprio quello di favorire lo sviluppo tramite lo studio e il varo di programmi commerciali tali che supportino l’azione delle aziende che intendono insediarsi sul territorio.
Ma la colpa della crisi del “progetto Carrefour” non può né deve essere ascritta alla classe politica casoriana. Vanno infatti evidenziate le responsabilità degli stessi gruppi industriali che negli anni si sono succeduti alla Driving the hypermarket. The 18,000 square meters dedicated to food appear to be disproportionate compared to the real score. Desirable would be a rethinking of the entire sales area. Only in this way, believes police, "Carrefour may again become a magnet at field level."
interventions are inconclusive and Nando Sergio D'Anna. The first marries the critical line towards the region (expressed by Ramaglia) and talks about a scenario of international crisis that has made its weight felt in this matter. The emphasis is on the political responsibility of the municipal rabbit should be able to overcome differences color. Nando D'Anna, in response to his namesake, he points out the problem of quorum. As they follow each other's actions, in fact, the council chamber becomes more and more empty. Maybe this is the thing that catches your eye more than the other: a policy that, realizing that the marginal role in this story, throws in the towel, it is powerless to enter into a negotiation going on between two individuals. And Mayor Ferrara, dismissing the Council, which seals the real progress has been made in the meeting of May 14, hath been established when creating the table of consultation which "will be presented the business plans of a new property time which will be established. " The final hope, concludes the First Citizen, is that the new business plan "does not give rise to a situation of suffering for workers."
The feeling that emerges after the board meeting is that the game is played entirely on the corporate front, with the policy at the window waiting hopeful that Novelli takes the largest number of workers already employed by the old leadership.