Friday, January 30, 2009

Oscars Dinner Buffet How Much?

I semi

Incominciamo a parlare di filosofia.
Voglio dire, di onlus ce ne sono anche troppe. Coprono (o copriamo) i bisogni a macchia di leopardo senza un coordinamento col rischio che spesso si lascia scoperta una necessità e che a volte due in contemporanea facciano la stessa cosa a cinquanta metri l'una dall'altra.

Meglio chiarire un concetto: la nostra organizzazione è venuta dopo, i primi tre anni i soci fondatori mettevano personalmente mano al portafoglio e senza agevolazione or relief, gave his own. Nor is the tax advantage, however, is that important, reason Seeds smile.
The real reason is that in order to operate legally, with a minimum of credibility, it needed a legal form and the non-profit organization recognized for this purpose, that's fine.

Another point I would like to emphasize is that, although there are many people who direct their contributions through income tax returns (and what you can do with these contributions that later), prefers to work at Seeds of Smiles " closed projects "or projects that have a plan, objectives, and possibly measurable only at a later time you search for funders / contributors.
This mode of operation allows to refer to acquaintances, friends or simply people with whom we come into contact and who want to participate, knowing in advance what will be the time or financial commitment that will have to make.
The commitment of the association is to provide logistics, information and, if it should occur a failure, replace the benefactor until his replacement is on a permanent basis. Other

commitment Seed Smile is to select projects, which is not trivial there. Because of things to do there are many, but people trusted by our standards a bit 'less.
In fact one of the big problems to work in Africa is precisely the difference in weight that some factors in our culture and theirs. The time, effort, the relativity of things. Who does not understand this will have major problems in Africa, the great frustrations of the liver and severe pain.
One example: the weather.
The premises have the concept of time as us but a fundamental difference is the temporal vision of themselves. We are able to think of us in a year, they, on average, no. And this, if one includes investments that will benefit from one or two years is a matter of no small importance. Why always prefer the little immediate benefit rather than wait for a bigger one. The male
span is about 3 months (randomly picked). Chi, also in questo caso, ha una marcia in più sono le donne. Loro a due – tre anni ci arrivano (casualmente, il fuori pericolo di un bambino). Con loro si possono fare progetti di più ampio respiro, senza contare che mediamente non bevono (l'alcol è un problema in Africa) e che, vista la bassa considerazione sociale di cui godono, quando vengono responsabilizzate, ne fanno un punto d'orgoglio personale arrivare al risultato. Lavorare con le donne è molto più immediato per la nostra forma mentis europea.

Sunday, January 25, 2009

What's Your Real Age

La potenza non è nulla senza il controllo :-)

Tutte le mattine penso all'Africa.
No, non sono un inguaribile romantico, è che, l'Africa lascia le sue cicatrici. Sull'anima, di sicuro, ma anche sul corpo, se non stai più che attento.
Lì dentro c'ero io, insieme al "pilota" locale e al medico della spedizione.
Essendo la nostra una compagnia seria, il nostro medico, socio e concretamente impegnato non poteva che eseere....un ginecologo.

Giorgio, questo è il suo nome, varesotto verace, ginecologo di talento e uomo che ha avuto la fortuna di far nascere più di diecimila bambini. Compagno di viaggio fantastico, un po' meno come compagno di stanza, visto che il suo respiro notturno è più prossimo ad una motosega che a qualcosa di umano.
Giorgio è più miracolato di me, mentre la macchina girava più volte, ho quest'immagine di lui buttato fuori dal finestrino e ricatapultato in before the car lying on its side.

Today we laugh over while we were there, we laughed a bit 'less. We laughed
just waiting for the plane we would have to return to Pemba (God bless the satellite phone). We laughed a little flying at night over a lighted by flames Mozambique (hundreds of fires) we laughed a little when landing is not 50 meters from the ground throughout the city the power off all of a sudden the lights that lit up the track and certainly I have no rice I entered the hospital at the same time another incident, a bit 'bigger than ours: he had a truck overturned. The problem is that trucks, given the shortage of vehicles, when not carrying land, transporting people and that had an enclosed box with about fifty people.
I will spare you the scene. Remember me for long.

Today we laugh over, fantasizing about the real work of the improvised pilot, and the good fortune to be left almost completely full.
Meanwhile, we learned a lesson: Africa will not forgive anything, so always check at least thrice. Equipment, news and information. Never good to take what you say, always check it, no matter the degree of your party, check. This is true for our projects. Finding people so that a constant guide, because if you do not control, everything disappears under the eyes. All

morning, my back reminds me of Africa, and reminds me to check.

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Belly Button Hurts After C-section

ilha de mozambique

Ok, less romance.

Ilha de Mozambique. Worth the trip.
It 's the old capital of the country.
Disgraced after decolonization, now reborn through tourism.
get there by land is easy, a few hours of jeeps ('s not random, always at least 2 machines in Africa. Autogrill and SOS are not covered) and you come to a bridge to one lane. Nothing serious, is the only access to the island (Ilha).
becomes more serious when one considers that the bridge is 3 kilometers long and that the cars must travel to reach the synchronized platforms placed at regular intervals that allow you to pull over and pass those coming in the opposite direction. If we are wrong, are worthy of hours of scripted comedy Neapolitan of the good times.
If the guard who gives the signal for departure had been right, if you traveled at the speed right and if they let you get to the exit, pay the entrance fee and take the only road leading to the white part of ' island. To the right and the left is the world.
Let's figure out what happened on the island. The road was eventually transformed into an elevated because the island is made in two areas: not being able to carry the materials from the mainland, to the sides of the road is carved limestone (Ex corals, probably) to make the bricks of the houses of white settlers. Dig dig, you have passed the three-meter and in that space did the black part of the island, the village is in the basement and on the road that leads to the Portuguese.
There are beautiful buildings, ruined and occupied for decades. Neglect not typical of local remove the magnificence, the island should be wonderful if you were white and armed. There
find delightful small hotels is a joke, some run by Italian chefs and often do not look out of place in any city.
Yet the buildings are not very many, lack of matter.

Matter found the going a bit 'below, you can not not to see: Fortaleza Sao Sebastiao is tough, imposing, half-island is within its walls. Go through the ramparts, the parade, visit the stands, water tanks. You will also see the Chapel of Nossa Senhora de Baluarte, considered the oldest building in equatorial Africa where it is buried the first bishop of Japan (yes, the Portuguese and with them the Jesuits to go to Japan, made stopovers in Mozambique, that could explain why it is said katana knife in Mozambique).

Then you'll see two things that make your hair stand on his head.
One is a deep pit 3 to 4 feet long and ten. Historical digression: the Portuguese, took the place of the Arabs in 1500, but the waters were infested by pirates, and not Islamic.
Piracy was not seen very well and hunts the robbers were taking place with regular frequency. Not that the Pirates were the shins of a saint, but if you take them alive, throwing them into the pit. Rain, sun (two years ago touched the 56 degrees), little food and were provided with sofraffollamento transform men into a zombie, who slaughtered animals for the waste that the soldiers hurled. Those who survived, was extracted after a 6 - 12 months when he was a judge in Portugal, considered pro forma, led behind the fortress, shot in a kind of theater, an ancient substitute for television and threw into the sea that sharks must live. Amen.

The second thing is a picture of opening: what you see on the bottom is the remains of a jetty at high tide when the vessel docked. On that pier have passed thousands of slaves.
Ehhh yeah, here is revealed the mystery: Ilha de Mozambique was an isolated station, where he concentrated the free labor of the Portuguese empire. Arab slave traders and Bantu, yes, slavery was common among blacks, bring their goods and, when they were loaded on ships, they, too, received as compensation the Pearl of Africa : glass beads, today sought souvenirs were the currency of exchange. Glass against life, an idea of \u200b\u200bthe value.

No, much of Africa is not a country of compromise. Beauty, violence, elegance and ferocity have been and are to this day no half measures. We must always keep him in the head, when it comes to that land.

Monday, January 19, 2009

The Cheese To My Macaroni Sayings

Pemba, questa sconosciuta

Or better ex unknown.

Five years ago it was a destination for tourists outside the box, today's Quirimbas Islands, heartbreakingly beautiful, make it the ideal place for those who want to vacation "Blue Lagoon's style" but with all the comfort of five stars.

If you search on the net Pemba, almost certainly ended up on an island in Tanzania. If you use Google earth and used as the key to Pemba, Mozambique will send you in a small town in the center of the country. What do you want, do not have imagination with the names there. To find
put Porto Amelia, old name of the city before decolonization. Maybe Google are nostalgic.

If you have persevered and did you get then, Ladies and Gentlemen, I present the third largest bay in the world, one year and protected by UNESCO World Heritage Site.
The city is spread on the peninsula below. the estimate is about one hundred and fifty thousand people, the registry is literally an option in the sense that if you want, at eighteen, you go and register if not, is not important.
If we exclude the Portuguese colonial buildings and concrete barracks in the socialist period (Mozambique still has a Kalashnikov on bandiera) la popolazione vive in capanne di fango e pietre. Con la corrente, ma sempre capanne di fango sono. Le latrine sono poche e sicuramente non le trovi nei quartieri più poveri e popolosi che, per inciso, sono anche quelli posizionati nei punti più belli della città, il che, visti i piani di sviluppo turistici, non fa presagire niente di buono per la popolazione. Poveri Vs ruspe. Mi sa che vincono le seconde.
La mancanza di latrine provoca, nella stagione delle piogge, fiorenti epidemie di colera che unite alla malaria, alla lebbra e all'aids contribuiscono ad un'efficace selezione naturale.
L'aids merita un capitolo a sé. La campagna di prevenzione c'è, e martellante. La distribuzione dei preservativi è gratuita e ad ogni angolo il red ribbon è presente a ricordare il silenzioso nemico. Di contro c'è che alcuni riti iniziatori come la circoincisione maschile di gruppo o i quelli della maturità femminile prevedono scambi di sangue e altro. Se a questo aggiungete una promiscuità sessuale da far impallidire Rocco Siffredi, potrete facilmente capire perché la stima è di un 33% della popolazione infettata. Uno su tre non è male, non raggiunge lo Swaziland ma si difende.
Fatta una foto della situazione adesso vediamo la tendenza: migliora. A parte l'Aids, le altre malattie sono in regresso. La malaria la fa da padrona ma i farmaci riescono a limitare il danno, le prime opere pubbliche riescono a limitare il colera, e la lebbra, almeno in città, is treatable with excellent results.
The intrinsic resistance of the population, culture, hidden evil instead of cure, and the hospital is changing slowly or non-profit organization operating in more and more people are on site.
being led by a flourishing tourism is making small local businesses with a rain fall of economic benefits on the population.
If I said to Pemba's tough life, frankly I would be lying. Pemba rises. As yet not known, but growing. Phones, cars, computers. Even today, in contrast to the streets in land or houses in mud. But less and less. The streets begin to pave the houses begin to be masonry. Pemba began to take the form of a city with almost European standards. But before the African tropical beaches and the sea and behind a breathtaking land. That helps.

No matter what you did in the day, the sunset over the bay that repays you for everything.

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Pokemon Emerald Infinite Money Mac

Mal d'Africa

The pain of Africa is bad overall.

Like all complex things can be decomposed into simpler parts MA alone would describe the collection.
And the collection is an ugly beast.

Coward. The pain of Africa is a coward, do not you head on, I worked in slowly. And when you realize it's late, you will not want to leave more.
Are you sick and happy.

Saturday, January 17, 2009

Ingredients Duncan Hi

Perché il Mozambico?

by chance. O almost.

Turning to Africa I wanted to apply what I learned at the master (or I should have) in a non-profit project.
The idea for the camper / operating room was not a doctor but I have known for years. The idea was there, but where to? I mean, Africa is big, very big. And with so many different issues. Often repeat themselves, but to be more effective and better circumscribe the area and study needs.
So I traveled. South Africa, Zambia, Botswana, Namibia. Please, I admit, but as I listened to the lions and touched the heavens, I spoke with the directors of the camps where I was applying the concept of asking and let him speak. Six out of six indicators
Mozambique. Excellent segno.
In effetti era il paese ideale: strutturato, povero a sufficienza per poter fare molto con poco ma abbastanza evoluto da non rischiare di veder cancellato tutto in una notte.

Incominciai a prendere informazioni sulla sala operatoria viaggiante e un aiuto insperato arrivò da un'Amica che mi introdusse ai militari, dopo tutto chi meglio di loro? Però, se sono bravissimi a montare in poche ore un ospedale, loro hanno il vantaggio che gli si chiede efficacia e non efficienza. Per loro i soldi non sono un problema, per me sì.
Parlando con un generale medico oculista, venne fuori che lui aveva fatto, tra le tante, una missione in un paese africano. Un paese bellissimo dove sarebbe voluto tornare immediatamente. Il paese? Well, easy, Mozambique. He referred me to

What is this? is an Italian miracle. An association of Catholic extraordinary, born from the districts of Rome a few decades ago and now operates worldwide. Thanks to them, ended one of the bloodiest civil wars in Africa. The peace agreement signed in Rome between the factions of Renamo and Frelimo is on them. Who are Frelimo and Renamo? Easily the two parties in Mozambique.
Just because I do not want to enter in large organizations, if not, try S. Egidio.
The beginning was not encouraging, much suspicion, then a direct line through an acquaintance and a meeting with Mario Marazziti. But Mario deserves a post all to himself.

A questo punto entra in scena un Amico. Si chiama Alessandro. Parlai con lui una sera, mi ascoltò e non disse nulla. Quando gli dissi dei militari allora esclamò: "ma allora fai sul serio, bene, la cosa m'interessa, posso partecipare?". Oggi è il presidente di Semi di sorriso.
Alessandro porta Francesco e Francesco porta Matteo che sta facendo un'impresa in un paese africano. Quale? Ma via, è evidente, il Mozambico.

Troppe coincidenze. Il Mozambico chiamava come una sirena e noi ci siamo fatti stregare dal suo canto. Ancora oggi ne siamo ammaliati.

Alessandro, Francesco e Matteo. Con loro è iniziato tutto. E va avanti.

Friday, January 16, 2009

Gothic Birthday Gifts

Per iniziare, la fine

Ok, incominciamo con la chiusura di un cerchio.
Cinque anni fa andai per la prima volta in Mozambico con due Amici.
L'idea originale era totalmente diversa: pensavamo di organizzare presso delle missioni collegate via ponti radio, dei centri di degenza post operatoria.
Lì si potevano concentrare i bisognosi di interventi chirurgici e portare una sala operatoria mobile con chirurghi a bordo che operassero in loco per una settimana, poi andavano all'altra missione e così via.
Siamo finiti a sostenere un centro per bambini idrocefali.
Di cliniche mobili non c'era bisogno, di aiuto a bambini considerati un rifiuto sì.

I fattori di scelta sono stati sia razionali che emozionali.
Intanto c'erano due donne a dirigerlo, Laura e Teresa, extraordinary beings, and if it is true that women often have a higher gear in Africa (with few exceptions) are the only ones that have a march.
Second, because going into that center a child with a head as big as a basketball match and we crawl smiled.
That child is no longer a child. His name Muindi. He was born condemned to a premature end and an outcast from life. The first condition is fulfilled, the second is not. Muindi of quality of life was more than fair. He died after she died her playmate. The last wish a cake. He has had and is gone.
Muindi is no longer a child, is a mission. Everything is easier when you have a mission.

Today, the center closes, there are too many dead all together.
Mind you, there is no hope for them, we can only give him dignity and a cake, but this time they are off together and then there are "evil spirits" and children do not wear them anymore.
learning center for children with no children does not make sense, no? But the mission is not over, turns. In Africa must take the form of water.