Friday, January 16, 2009

Gothic Birthday Gifts

Per iniziare, la fine

Ok, incominciamo con la chiusura di un cerchio.
Cinque anni fa andai per la prima volta in Mozambico con due Amici.
L'idea originale era totalmente diversa: pensavamo di organizzare presso delle missioni collegate via ponti radio, dei centri di degenza post operatoria.
Lì si potevano concentrare i bisognosi di interventi chirurgici e portare una sala operatoria mobile con chirurghi a bordo che operassero in loco per una settimana, poi andavano all'altra missione e così via.
Siamo finiti a sostenere un centro per bambini idrocefali.
Di cliniche mobili non c'era bisogno, di aiuto a bambini considerati un rifiuto sì.

I fattori di scelta sono stati sia razionali che emozionali.
Intanto c'erano due donne a dirigerlo, Laura e Teresa, extraordinary beings, and if it is true that women often have a higher gear in Africa (with few exceptions) are the only ones that have a march.
Second, because going into that center a child with a head as big as a basketball match and we crawl smiled.
That child is no longer a child. His name Muindi. He was born condemned to a premature end and an outcast from life. The first condition is fulfilled, the second is not. Muindi of quality of life was more than fair. He died after she died her playmate. The last wish a cake. He has had and is gone.
Muindi is no longer a child, is a mission. Everything is easier when you have a mission.

Today, the center closes, there are too many dead all together.
Mind you, there is no hope for them, we can only give him dignity and a cake, but this time they are off together and then there are "evil spirits" and children do not wear them anymore.
learning center for children with no children does not make sense, no? But the mission is not over, turns. In Africa must take the form of water.


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