Friday, January 30, 2009

Oscars Dinner Buffet How Much?

I semi

Incominciamo a parlare di filosofia.
Voglio dire, di onlus ce ne sono anche troppe. Coprono (o copriamo) i bisogni a macchia di leopardo senza un coordinamento col rischio che spesso si lascia scoperta una necessità e che a volte due in contemporanea facciano la stessa cosa a cinquanta metri l'una dall'altra.

Meglio chiarire un concetto: la nostra organizzazione è venuta dopo, i primi tre anni i soci fondatori mettevano personalmente mano al portafoglio e senza agevolazione or relief, gave his own. Nor is the tax advantage, however, is that important, reason Seeds smile.
The real reason is that in order to operate legally, with a minimum of credibility, it needed a legal form and the non-profit organization recognized for this purpose, that's fine.

Another point I would like to emphasize is that, although there are many people who direct their contributions through income tax returns (and what you can do with these contributions that later), prefers to work at Seeds of Smiles " closed projects "or projects that have a plan, objectives, and possibly measurable only at a later time you search for funders / contributors.
This mode of operation allows to refer to acquaintances, friends or simply people with whom we come into contact and who want to participate, knowing in advance what will be the time or financial commitment that will have to make.
The commitment of the association is to provide logistics, information and, if it should occur a failure, replace the benefactor until his replacement is on a permanent basis. Other

commitment Seed Smile is to select projects, which is not trivial there. Because of things to do there are many, but people trusted by our standards a bit 'less.
In fact one of the big problems to work in Africa is precisely the difference in weight that some factors in our culture and theirs. The time, effort, the relativity of things. Who does not understand this will have major problems in Africa, the great frustrations of the liver and severe pain.
One example: the weather.
The premises have the concept of time as us but a fundamental difference is the temporal vision of themselves. We are able to think of us in a year, they, on average, no. And this, if one includes investments that will benefit from one or two years is a matter of no small importance. Why always prefer the little immediate benefit rather than wait for a bigger one. The male
span is about 3 months (randomly picked). Chi, also in questo caso, ha una marcia in più sono le donne. Loro a due – tre anni ci arrivano (casualmente, il fuori pericolo di un bambino). Con loro si possono fare progetti di più ampio respiro, senza contare che mediamente non bevono (l'alcol è un problema in Africa) e che, vista la bassa considerazione sociale di cui godono, quando vengono responsabilizzate, ne fanno un punto d'orgoglio personale arrivare al risultato. Lavorare con le donne è molto più immediato per la nostra forma mentis europea.


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