Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Sleepytime Tea Does It Work?

Casa Azul

Project Name: Casa Azul
Local Partner: Lar de Esperança
Local Manager: Laura Pierino , Teresa de Jesus
Location: Pemba (Alto neighborhood Gingone)
Beneficiaries: Children with hydrocephalus or severe disability
Attività Supportate : Fisioterapia, attività pedagogiche, stimolazione tattile.
Soci Coinvolti : Francesco, Alessandro, Afro (1) il numero indica un socio che non vuole essere nominato.
Inizio collaborazione : 2005
Fine collaborazione : 2009

Vorrei cominciare a dare, per sommi capi, una sintesi delle attività che come associazione, supportiamo. Mancano ancora le cifre, dato che il blog al momento è personale (dato che ancora i miei soci latitano :-) preferirei evitare di dare numeri senza la previa autorizzazione.

A questo progetto ero e sono molto legato. Per noi è was the first and certainly one of the most moving. The most vulnerable are the most tremendous win any significant resistance. Those children have given us much more than we gave them.
They gave us a name, they gave us a mission.
Laura and Teresa made us come into their home and allowed us to help. They are two extraordinary women. Their mission had already been in, we had to go there to find it.
As I wrote in first post today and closes the project is incorporated into another structure that these two amazing women have been able to organize and manage the local involvement and accountability. Some some of their but their projects have failed, with admirable constancy do not give up and go forward.
They have given up everything, you can not even imagine the effort to convince them to have a cell phone. They sleep in the same huts, eat the same food. Every so often share the malaria. Yet they are always the sun.
Thanks Teresa, thanks Laura, we hope to be helpful again.

This project has been through all and survived. Not even the fall of a baobab tree on the structure was able to stop it, with commitment and funds has evolved and changed. If you see it today the structure is greatly improved. To eliminate
c'è voluta la morte di molti ospiti tutti insieme. Lo sapevamo dal primo giorno che non c'era speranza per loro. Però fa sempre male.


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