Sunday, March 13, 2011

How To Emphasize Your Breasts

Carlo Menzinger Bumbi & Simon, "The Seventh Full Moon"

Anno : 2010
ISBN : 978-88-7388-252-7
Pagine : 242
Lo scorso anno, l’editore Liberodiscrivere ha pubblicato il romanzo Il Settimo Plenilunio , di Carlo Menzinger, Simonetta Bumbi e Sergio Calamandrei (non accreditato in copertina, ma, a tutti gli effetti, un terzo autore). Si tratta, infatti, a novel "collective", as explained in the introduction Menzinger, but also a "gallery novel, seventeen artists who have helped with numerous illustrations.

An unknown future. The conference "vampires and werewolves: the origins of the legend," Professor Michele Moretti announced the sensational discovery of two gods at the base of the legends about the creatures of the night, the god of the abyss and the goddess of the night Ecatron Saravhan. It all started with the discovery of a manuscript of the tenth century, anticipating many centuries the birth of these myths. A young woman with thick red hair, carefully follow the audience, then approached the student, saying love him to show a more ancient version of the manuscript, of Mesopotamian origin. The next day, the corpse of the professor is found murdered in an alley.
The mysterious red-haired woman, Esharhamat, works at Fastissimo, leader of the links psycoweb . His last position is the "De Mastris case," a rich and powerful magnate who has requested the installation of a line of communication psycho-dimensional . The technician who was accompanied by Esha Chew Huang, for his friends "Chewing Gum", a young Italian-born Chinese. The two start with the ' idrobike , for a journey of forty miles. Despite Chew is engaged by Sonia Stefani, courageous police officer, during the journey can not resist animal attraction to the woman, who returns his attentions: both are the werewolves, but neither knows the nature of the other. After a mishap caused by the diversion of Chew, employees Fastissimo reach the village of De Mastris, a real castle. The rich landlord soon reveals its nature as a vampire, but Chew and Esha will be too late to escape, once discovered the plan of attack against the werewolves, the succhisangue planned for the night of the seventh full moon.

The Seventh Full Moon is a kind of Underworld futuristico, che fonde in maniera convincente la fantascienza e il genere horror a base di vampiri e licantropi. La componente SF si rivela nelle ingegnose invenzioni degli oggetti e dei servizi di uso comune nel futuro, come le psyco-mail , messaggi elettronici tridimensionali inviati attraverso un chip installato dietro l’occhio (con l’inconveniente di non poter evitare di rispondere), o i siso , sogni sintetici indotti, che si consumano nelle dorate psycoteche . Tutto sommato, però, il mondo descritto non è tanto diverso dal nostro: i ritardi della Fastissimo, gli imbrogli delle banche, il potere dei ricchi e delle multinazionali sembrano proiezioni in avanti della nostra società.
Ben costruita è anche la mitologia alla base della società dei vampiri e dei licantropi, creature nate in seguito ad una maledizione di Ecatron, alle quali Saravhan, mossa a pietà, fece dono dell’immortalità. Per la verità i vampiri non risultano particolarmente attraenti, essendo tratteggiati come esseri arroganti e sadici. Ne escono meglio i lupi mannari, che, pur essendo mostri sanguinari, hanno un cuore: si innamorano, soffrono, sono solidali, semplici nei loro istinti primari. Bello, in particolare, il passaggio in cui viene descritto il funzionamento del cervello di Chew: «i pensieri nella sua mente di lupo scorrevano in modo strano, diverso, più lento, più essenziale. Erano pensieri animaleschi. Non era più capace di veri ragionamenti. I sentimenti, però, erano sempre vivi e forti. La mente funzionava bene nel cercare modi per predare o per fuggire ai pericoli. Non aveva spazio per molto altro. C’era, comunque, uno spazio per l’amore».

Risorse Web:
Il sito di Menzinger
La legenda di Carlo Menzinger
Il blog di Simonetta Bumbi

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Desert Eagle 50 For Sale

"The Vampire. True Story" - Extract and booktrailer

Sul sito della Keres Edizioni sono stati recentemente pubblicati un lungo booktrailer, con una inedita timeline de Il Vampiro. Storia Vera di Franco Mistrali, e un estratto con i primi due capitoli del romanzo, scaricabile gratuitamente.
Questo l’incipit:

Nel 1862 io mi trovava a Monaco: qui non si tratta della capitale della Baviera, ma di quel piccolo principato che, sopravissuto a tutti i più vasti cataclismi che sconvolsero l’Europa, fa sventolare la sua bandiera sovrana su un mezzo miglio quadrato di territorio indipendente. Monaco è un delizioso soggiorno: la natura ha prodigati tutti i suoi doni a quel felicissimo paese che sorge in vista al mare azzurro su una pittoresca roccia tutta cinta di giardini sempre fioriti. Cinquecento o seicento persone della più eletta aristocrazia di tutti i paesi d’Europa… continues

Web Resources: Issues
Keres Keres
on Facebook
Preview de The Vampire. True Story

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Slogans For Landscapers

Simple mind

Born from the ashes of a group of punk-rock of 1977 (Johnny & The Self Abusers, danced one summer and released one single: Saints & Sinners / Dead Vandals ), the original group of SIMPLE MINDS (name taken from a verse of a song by David Bowie, The Jean Genie ") was formed by Jim Kerr (vocals and keyboards), Charles Burchill (guitar and violin), Tony Donald (bass ), Brian McGee (drums). Before the first official exhibition (Feb. '78) the band added a second guitar player Duncan Barnwell, but only for a few months. In that year was sostituito dal tastierista Michael McNeil e Derek Forbes (vero fuoriclasse della band) prese il posto di Donald.

Con questa formazione:

  • Jim Kerr: “solo” canto
  • Charles Burchill: chitarra
  • Michael McNeil: tastiere di ogni tipo
  • Derek Forbes: basso
  • Brian McGee: batteria

i SIMPLE MINDS incidono il loro primo album, Life in a Day (1979). Sarà un discreto successo, ma il lavoro lascia quite dissatisfied with the band: too many tributes to their musical roots (punk-rock, Roxy Music, Kraftwerk and others) to a quintet in rapid evolution. Six months after leaving Real to Real Cacophony (1979), Jim Kerr and his associates regard as their very first album. As often happens, the artist does not match the satisfaction with the public (and critical): the anxiety to distance itself from the models mentioned above leads the musicians on the road to an experimental excessively "dark".

summer 1980, after a season of concerts throughout Europe, the group is found in Rockfield Studios in Wales to record Empires and Dance (1980). Album notevolmente più maturo dei precedenti: il basso sempre più trascinante conduce la musica insieme alle tastiere, lasciando alla chitarra di arricchire il tutto con arpeggi sempre preziosi ed essenziali. A questo si aggiungono la precisione della batteria e la voce di Kerr, ora suadente, ora ammaliante. Anche in questo album sono evidenti i riferimenti a certo sperimentalismo tedesco (Neu! Faust, i già citati Kraftwerk), ma il tutto è filtrato da una ricerca del timbro personale, che da’ una congruenza e una peculiarità irrintracciabili nei primi lavori. Da menzionare anche l’enigmatica e inquietante copertina che si sposa bene con lo sperimentale ermetismo dei testi. Il disco ottiene un buon successo, ma la carente promozione effettuata dalla casa discografica (Arista) porta alla rottura contrattuale.

Ingaggiati dalla Virgin, nella primavera del 1981 il gruppo inizia le registrazioni del nuovo album sotto la produzione di Steve Hillage. Un primo singolo (“The American”) ottiene un successo insperato e con una grande quantità di materiale i SIMPLE MINDS pubblicano ad Agosto di quell’anno una doppia uscita: le prime copie di Sons and Fascination (1981) conterranno il mini LP Sister Feelings Call (1981). In seguito gli album saranno stampati e venduti singolarmente. Quasi scomparse le atmosfere dark e, su tappeti sonori lussureggianti, i ritmi si fanno sempre the most captivating and hypnotic, the voice of Kerr safer, more accurate and powerful battery and the guitar all the bejeweled, while leading his musical subtext. Shortly after the release of two albums, the band lost drummer and after trying in concert Kenny Hislop and Mike Ogletree you decide to come, however, that Mel Gaynor started to record.

With a new producer, Peter Walsh, the band completed in the summer of 1982 the recordings for what many consider their masterpiece. New Gold Dream (81-82-83-84) published in September of that year after the release of several highly successful singles: "You Promised A Miracle "and" Glittering Prize ", both on 33giri. Only nine songs, just over fifteen of the previous two jobs, but all have great emotional appeal. Great rhythms, more rock and nothing more decadent but charming sound plots made by keyboards and bass in the foreground, and as an icing on the cake, the beautiful voice of Kerr and Burchill's guitar precious embroideries. Once again I must point out the extraordinary work of Derek Forbes, a virtuoso of the instrument, like his contemporary Mick Karn (Japan), now sadly gone. At that time, SIMPLE MINDS perform a miracle of art, managing to give the same emotions both on disk and in concert, to experience diretta. Il disco costituisce l’apice artistico della band e, da quel momento in poi, inizia la parabola discendente.

I dischi proposti sono stati rieditati e pregevolmente rimasterizzati su CD nel 2002-2003 dalla Virgin.

Empires and Dance
  1. I Travel - 3:46
  2. Today I Died Again - 4:39
  3. Celebrate - 5:03
  4. This Fear of Gods - 7:00
  5. Capital City - 6:14
  6. Constantinople Line - 4:44
  7. Twist/Run/Repulsion - 4:38
  8. Thirty Frames a Second - 5:14
  9. Kant-Kino - 1:50 (strumentale)
  10. Room - 2:30

Sons and Fascination
  1. In Trance as Mission - 6:50
  2. Sweat in Bullet - 4:30
  3. 70 Cities as Love Brings the Fall - 4:48
  4. Boys From Brazil - 5:30
  5. Love Song - 5:03
  6. This Earth That You Walk Upon - 5:26
  7. Sons and Fascination - 5:23
  8. Seeing out the Angels - 6:11

Sister Feelings Call
  1. Theme for Great Cities - 5:50(strumentale)
  2. The American - 3:49
  3. 20th Century Promised Land - 4:53
  4. Wonderful in Young Life - 5:20
  5. League of Nations - 4:55
  6. Careful in Career - 5:08
  7. Sound in 70 Cities - 5:01(strumentale)

New Gold Dream (81-82-83-84)
  1. Someone Somewhere in Summertime - 4:36
  2. Colours Fly and Catherine Wheel - 3:49
  3. Promised You a Miracle - 4:28
  4. Big Sleep - 5:00
  5. Somebody Up There Likes You - 5:02 (strumentale)
  6. New Gold Dream (81-82-83-84) - 5:39
  7. Glittering Prize - 4:33
  8. Hunter and the Hunted - 5:55
  9. King Is White and in the Crowd - 7:00

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Wow Where Do You Get The Transparent Tiger Mount

The Last Vampire. Creatures in the Dark

Director: Chris Nahon
subject and scene. : CHRIS CHOW
Starring: GIANNA (Saya), Allison Miller (Alice), Koyuki (Onigen)
Duration , Col. , Orig : 85 ', C, HONG KONG-CHINA-FRANCE
production. : EAST WING HOLD. et al.
Year: 2009 Edition
Extra: Behind the Scenes "(19 ')," the stunt "(17')

The Sony has released year-end of the DVD The Last Vampire , live action version of the beautiful souls Blood. The Last Vampire . The film is quite faithful to the original story, with respect to which are added some characters and il racconto dell’infanzia di Saya.

Tokyo, 1970. In un vagone vuoto della metropolitana, la vampira cacciatrice Saya trova una delle “sanguisughe”, con cui ingaggia battaglia e su cui riesce ad avere la meglio con la sua katana. Due agenti del Consiglio la attendono alla fermata: il gentile Michael e l’indisponente Luke.
Mentre le truppe statunitensi imperversano nel Vietnam, nella base aereonautica americana di Kanto vengono uccise tre persone: è il segno che Onigen, il demone più antico e potente, è vicino. L’unica che può sconfiggerlo è Saya, addestrata dal maestro Kato e a cui il demone uccise il padre, a sua volta cacciatore. Il Consiglio crea una copertura per la vampira, che enters the American high school student as the Kanto Japanese. Soon Saya finds vampires to kill, two fake students, and saves Alice, the daughter of General McKee. This start of the investigation, but is bypassed by the men of the Council who pretend to be members of the CIA. The Floor of the Council, however, is working, and the mission of Saya drew Onigen.
took to heart the fate of Alice, which will have to watch your back several times, Saya will collide not only with the Kanto Onigen and leeches, but also with some staff members of the Council, far from being friendly towards him, and with the its very nature a cross between demon and human.

Excellent prova registica di Nahon, che, tra antichi villaggi giapponesi e scenari metropolitani alla Blade Runner , alterna momenti intimistici ed onirici ad un’azione mozzafiato. Proprio i combattimenti sorprendono maggiormente per la realizzazione innovativa ed originale: particolarmente avvincenti sono gli scontri con le spade, basati sulle arti marziali, in cui, tra accelerazioni e ralenti , vengono ben dosate le scene splatter, condite di getti di sangue che si separano in gocce scure e dense, e le sorprendenti acrobazie di Saya e di Kato. Memorabile, in particolare, la sequenza in cui la cacciatrice combatte contro un centinaio di sanguisughe, contro cui deve difendere non solo se stessa, ma anche Alice, che, presa per hand, becomes an appendage of his body.
The characters are well defined: above all, fought a Saya, who feels the heir of his father, but also the evil that killed him. You tell her that Alice should not doubt his humanity, since, unlike the demons, has a soul. Ultimately
The Last Vampire is a great action movie with a solid plot. It is natural to wonder why it came out only for the home video market.

Web Resources: Site

Friday, March 4, 2011

Halo Rings For Headlights


Titolo : DRACULA
ISBN : 978-88-6346-875-5
Pagine : 176
Ed. originale : DYNAMITE ENT., 2009
Ed. it. : PANINI COMICS, 11-2010
Panini published in November last year an ambitious comic book version of Dracula , from the novel by Stoker. Adaptation is Leah Moore (daughter of Alan Moore) and her husband John Reppion, with illustrations by Colton Worley.

April 30, Monaco. Jonathan Harker is on a coach out of town. The driver warns that it is Walpurgisnacht, certainly not the best night to travel, and refuses to take a road indicated by Harker. English continues to walk his walk, and at one point appears in the distance, only for a moment, the silhouette of a tall, thin man. Walking, Harker loses cognition time and is surprised by a snowstorm. To escape the cold, finds shelter in a crypt. Here, however, something unthinkable happens: a corpse with a stake driven into his chest seems to respond to lightning, rising to a wail of agony. Jonathan escapes but is soon overwhelmed by the storm. It is later found by villagers under a huge wolf, which saved his life with the warmth of fur. Harker is thus returned to the Quatre Saisons, where she found a letter awaiting him in his noble castle Dracula.
Harker's journey to Transylvania continues, followed by the notes in the story told by Stoker novel, Jonathan's meeting with the three wives, his imprisonment in the castle, the three proposals of marriage of Lucy, a holiday in Whitby with her friend Mina, the sinking of the ship Demeter, up chasing Dracula in Transylvania, and a final showdown. This

Complete Dracula is presented as a faithful version of Stoker's story, which adds nothing, resulting servile and lacking originality. Moore and Reppion reproduce even the same formula of the story, presenting the expedient of diaries, letters, documents. On comics, though, it seems to not work so well, too heavy to read. Reading, however, already hard enough for long captions and ubiquitous, so thick from choke on several occasions the drawings. Only interesting aspect of the text is drawn from the inclusion dell'antefatto 'Dracula's Guest .
remarkable results, however, the illustrations: the actual paintings, leaden, expressionist flavor. The characters are stiff, offered in a certain rigidity and portraits with faces carved, shaded, which projects a strong inner conflict. The accuracy is almost photographic, with dull colors, dull night. The design, however, is too subservient to the text, which is delegated to the narrative, thereby giving up the fluidity of the cartoons.
Ultimately, you do not understand well the meaning of this pretentious Dracula , vista l’esistenza delle superbe versioni a fumetti di Mignola, Muth, Crepax, Fernandez… Se, poi, in nome della fedeltà al romanzo, se ne ripropongono interi brani, tanto vale rileggersi il libro.

Risorse Web:
Sito ufficiale di Moore e Reppion
John Reppion su Wikipedia
Leah Moore su Wikipedia
Panini Comics

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Gential Warts Look Alike

Richard D'Anna, "Wax Figure"

Anno : 2011
Edizione Italian : GARGOYLE, 2011
Cover: ni
ISBN: 978-88-89541-53-1
Pages: 200
The publishing house has not only reprinted Gargoyle The bite on the neck , published by Longanesi in 1968 and now hard to find, but managed to follow the story of Richard Fountain, again putting into action the more that Anthony Seymour, along with the inspector Tyrrel, will solve a mysterious new case.
The author is Richard D'Anna, who, after having supervised the editing of the novel by Simon Raven, the challenged himself to write a horror had started right where The bite on the neck ended.

We are in the 50s and the world is painfully recovering from the catastrophe of World War II Anthony Seymour has not forgotten the sad end of his friend Richard Fountain and Penelope, and the fact that their bodies were pierced by a wooden stake. The inspector
Tyrrel convenes in order to provide clarification regarding the central purpose of Fountain: The details should be used to find a connection with the cases of suicide which occurred recently in London. The number of suicides began shortly after the death of the Marquise of Lucrezia D'Ateleta Montevago il cui cadavere, che dovrebbe riposare nel Wellington Cemetery, non è più nella bara.
La marchesa, oltre ad essere stata la musa ispiratrice di Gabriele D’Annunzio, che le aveva dedicato alcuni versi, era appassionata (come Fountain) di occultismo e, attingendo a pratiche negromantiche, avrebbe creato un suo calco in cera grazie al quale sarebbe poi potuta tornare in vita. Il recupero di questa figura di cera potrebbe porre fine alla serie di suicidi che sembrano indotti dall’influsso magnetico della marchesa.
Inizia un viaggio attraverso l’Europa e la prima tappa è Venezia, dove, nella “casa mozza” appartenuta alla defunta, potrebbe trovarsi la figura di cera. La nuova proprietaria è Peggy Guggenheim, che ha solo sentito parlare della marchesa. Le ricerche si rivelano infruttuose.
Con un aereo militare Seymour parte per la Germania, accompagnato dallo studente Piers Clarence, il cui anticonformismo diventa spesso fonte d’imbarazzo. Troveranno solo le rovine dell’impero di Hitler e, sebbene abbiano modo di approfondire le nozioni occulte che hanno costituito le fondamenta del nazismo, non troveranno traccia della scultura.
Probabilmente, la silouette in cera della marchesa non si è mai spostata da Londra.

Seymour, la voce narrante del romanzo, durante le tappe che percorre per trovare la figura di cera, è accompagnato da una presenza inquietante, nascosta nelle ombre, le cui incursioni nella realtà to cause a major upheaval, chilling terror. This is a feature of many horror films, beginning with those of Hammer, the author has managed to put in the pages of his novel by making the plot twists as the film disturbing.
horrific elements creep in a purely noir plot that, as Stephen Priarone introduction highlights, Conan Doyle recalls the style and respect for the decision to entrust a supporting actor in the role of narrator. The characters are plausible and credible, the only element that, although the protagonist, and belongs to the context of the story of the legendary, and the Marquise, whose actions are detectable a sconcertanti percezioni soggettive.
La prosa di Riccardo D’Anna è pulita ed elegante; nel corso della narrazione compaiono interessanti riferimenti storici, frutto di una meticolosa documentazione, ulteriormente chiariti dal ricco apparato di note.

Risorse Web:
Gargoyle Books

Monday, February 28, 2011

Pubic Area Tattoofor Men

Jasper Kent, "The Twelve"

Titolo : I DODICI (Twelve)
Anno : 2009
Edizione italiana : RIZZOLI, 2010
Cover Photo of Reid, WILTON, Badenhorst, DRACHAL, Bliznetsov
ISBN: 978-88-17-o4228-4
Pages: 432
in all libraries, from September , is available on the first novel by Jasper Kent, titled The Twelve and published by Rizzoli.

We are in the autumn of 1812: Napoleon, with his Grande Armée, is on the march to Moscow and the Russian soldiers need a plan to stop him.
The protagonist and narrator, Aleksei Ivanovich Danilov, to relieve the anxiety of the impending battle, we meet with a prostitute who goes by the name Dominique; fra i due nasce qualcosa di più profondo di un “rapporto commerciale”, un sentimento talmente intenso da rendere Aleksej geloso degli altri clienti, in particolare di Maks suo commilitone e amico.
Aleksej, Maks, Vadim e Dmitrij sono impegnati nella resistenza e quest’ultimo ha un idea infallibile: dodici guerrieri che costituiranno una difesa invalicabile. Dmitrij presenterà ai compagni gli Opričniki, giunti dalla Valacchia al seguito di un agghiacciante individuo, i cui nomi sono quelli degli apostoli, Iuda compreso.
Gli Opričniki mettono subito in chiaro le condizioni del’alleanza: i soldati russi, durante il giorno, prepareranno la strada per le loro incursioni notturne. A ognuno dei protagonisti saranno assegnati tre Opričniki. I Valacchiani, già alle prime battaglie, dimostrano il loro valore infliggendo numerose perdite nell’esercito napoleonico.
Aleksej presto verrà a conoscenza del tradimento di Maks e deciderà di non assistere alla sua esecuzione, della quale si occuperanno gli Opričniki. Maks non è stato giustiziato solo perché schierato con i francesi. Il soldato ha scoperto qualcosa sul conto degli uomini assoldati da Dmitrij.
Aleksej scoprirà presto ciò che Maks voleva dirgli in punto di morte. Pedinando uno degli Opričniki, assisterà al suo macabro pasto e gli torneranno alla mente le fiabe di sua nonna che lo terrorizzavano da piccolo; un nome emergerà dalle nebbie della memoria: Vurdalak, the vampire.
At this point you will pay the killing of Aleksey Opričniki and, when he informed Dmitry, discover, shocked, that his friend knew everything, he had already encountered in testing the value of Wallachia against the turkish army.
The French manage to occupy Moscow, but the onset of winter forces them to retreat and seems to accompany them Opričniki securing additional food supplies. Alexei does not surrender, he must avenge the death of Maks and Vadim, and has not digested by Judas perpetratogli the joke that made him believe that he had sucked her lover decides to pursue them, regardless of the frost and snow.

Vampires in Kent sono quelli della tradizione, possono essere uccisi col sole e con il classico paletto nel cuore. La trasformazione prevede lo scambio di sangue e, man mano che passano gli anni, i neo-vampiri perdono tutte le caratteristiche umane, in particolare la coscienza, e per questo si rivelano soldati infallibili. Non a caso l’autore sceglie il nome Opričniki, come la guardia personale di Ivan il Terribile, tristemente famosa per le torture inflitte ai prigionieri. L’unica eccezione è Iuda che, pur non essendo un vampiro, riesce a farlo credere durante tutto il romanzo, dando prova che esistono anche uomini talmente privi di scrupoli da rasentare il soprannaturale.
L’idea di base del romanzo è ottima, ma poteva avere uno sviluppo better and more credible because, as the Opričniki the only ones capable of stopping opponents, the French would make no sense to kill them. In addition, their elimination is too easy, to the point of denying the brutality of the vampires in battle.
The characters are described with little information concerning the physical and is pretty poor insight of actors, unlike all too Alexei reflecting on its decisions.
The scenes of war are held fast in a few lines, using, at times, completely out of place metaphors. The onset of narrative
Jasper Kent was certainly not the best, in The Twelve happen four other novels set in Russia con Aleksej Danilov protagonista (il secondo Thirteen Years Later è già stato pubblicato in inglese), che, speriamo, possano vantare un miglioramento stilistico che ci regali avventure più entusiasmanti.

Risorse Web:
Sito di Jasper Kent
Jasper Kent su Wikipedia
Casa editrice Rizzoli

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Grecian Style Sienna Miller

De Profundis. Reminder. Dictators and

Every time you utter the words, pay attention to yourself.
Watch yourselves.

Friendship. I'm not a good friend and I am saying now, so nobody has to complain. As a wise man said long ago, I always expose - "false" (cited above). Yes: so no one can give me on him. Just me.

Friendship: the No. 1 characteristic of this alliance is the indispensable, spontaneous Reciprocity. If there is one, there is nothing. If you have a friend who does not ask you how you are, you do not inform how's your life or if he does merely to speak of his own, which not fun to create complicity on common things, you listen to me, is not a friend, but a partner in adventure. Cross your path for a while ', you might as well have fun, learn a lot, get along well, but the friend is something else. If, for example, he / and is so determined to never speak of his cock, but I say, never , your request is not a friend / a. And 'one who needs a comfortable vomitatoio. Nothing wrong, per se: just know, and do not use words inappropriately.

Friendship. There are many people who believe that a friend can say everything. We were wrong. Friend you can say almost everything, and with due caution. If you love a friend, save a lot of things. If you love only yourself, did not save anything.

Friendship. There are people who believe that honesty is a value in itself. If this were true, we could come close to a blind man in his ears and scream, "Are you blind man, by God! You see how six blind man?"

If this were true, we could get close to someone dressed in a way that we do not like and say, "You positively disgusting. Changed." Just because you do not like us.

If this were true, we would not have such an inordinate need to show our sincerity at every turn, make a flag of virtue adamant against any frivolous corruption, when in reality we are not hiding behind our personal grudges, envy and social grievances to be expressed in the most brutal, offensive and unnecessary, especially with so-called "friends": those to whom we can say all, why are people always listen. The coglionazzi.

No, I think instead of assuming Gibran: look for your friend when life smiles at you, share your best with him. Who knew your storms, also know your weather. Stop.

Love. A word to use as little as possible, but that when they try, can move mountains. Use it from time to time and only if you believe it. It 'a nice word, gentle. It should not be wasted. That said: You love being the company only because solitude is a fucking fear. It is not love then fight for peace: that's passion, big-big ego, and that's fine, but not love. Do not you love to be attached to someone like mussels to the rock, with recriminations and loved stifle unwanted attention and not due. True love is a feather weight: the weight of the heart beat and nothing more.

Love. Covering an idyllic instinct as old as the world. And so everything is right, just to be clear. If I get married to please my father / mother, I am prostituting for a convention. If I do not regret for my husband mother / father, I'm prostituting my rebellion. Love does not it will benefit.

Love, as I know very little, is mild, tender, simple and profound. It can dress up in a terrifying, have a thousand faces, and not all cute and nice, but once there - I repeat: it is mild, tender, simple, profound. It is always there. A few words or a thousand words, is the same. Do not judge the sword. E 'elusive as the Cheshire Cat aka Cat, but it is there. Without too much explanation.

Love is like the modern human blood for vampires: they can also do without, maybe you live too and keep more polished and efficient, But you do not live yourself through. So, in spite of all wise cynicism, better to have than not.

In short: watch yourselves. Nosce te ipsum. Know thyself. Stop

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Magellan Gps 1200 Change Voice

Susan Squires, "The Touch of Fate"

Titolo : IL TOCCO DEL DESTINO (The Burning)
Anno : 2006
Edizione italiana : MONDADORI, 2010
ISBN : no
Pagine : 304
Pubblicato ad ottobre, nella collana Dark Passion Mondadori, il terzo volume della saga “ Companion ” di Susan Squires, intitolato Il Tocco del Destino .

Gerusalemme, 1191. Stephan Sincai, in contrasto con le Regole tramandate dagli Anziani, prese sotto la sua custodia una vampira creata, la giovane Asharti, salvandola dal suo destino. Rubius, il più Anziano, sosteneva che l’uccisione vampire created was necessary not only to maintain the balance between humans and vampires, but also because it created vampires went mad. Stephan wanted to prove to the elders that they were wrong, but his failure with Asharti had resulted in the formation of an army of vampires. Centuries later, to atone for their sins, Sincai decided to take a vow of abstinence, at the monastery of Mirso. Here he was subjected to Rubius a hard workout, and was assigned the task of eradicating the cell of vampires created that threatened to take control of the British government. Stephan thus becomes the persecutor, a strong machinery of death of hard training and great power.
Wiltshire, 1822. On the trail Kilkenny, vampire created by Asharti, Stephan reaches the small town of Cheddar Gorse, in whose area it is spreading a strange epidemic, attributed to the followers of Kilkenny. In the woods surrounding the persecutor is surprised by the screams of a woman. Meanwhile, the young Ann Van Helsing sneak out of the house, she uses only enjoy walking at night, since it is widely considered to be a witch. Ann assists in the woods to a terrifying scene: a young woman lying on the ground on which it is bent a man who sucks the blood from his throat. Van Helsing is saved by the arrival of Stephan, who, confused by the terrified eyes of the woman lets out the vampire. The woman killed was Molly, the ragazza della locanda. In pochi attimi Stephane ed Ann si ritrovano circondati da una folla di uomini, che accusano dell’omicidio la giovane Van Helsing.

Al centro di questo romanzo, la Squires pone il senso di colpa di un uomo che darebbe la vita pur di salvare il mondo. Cosa insolita per un vampiro, che d’altra parte alterna due personalità: quella del Persecutore, addestrato per distruggere ciò che egli stesso ha creato, e quella dell’uomo premuroso, innamorato e disposto al sacrificio per ottenere il perdono di Rubius. L’incontro con Ann Van Helsing, anch’essa tormentata dalla sua maledizione, unisce le due anime, aprendo gli occhi a Stephan sulle vere intenzioni di Rubius.
La storia è avvincente and adventurous, and do not miss the excitement and romance. It must be said, however, that the torture inflicted on the vampire Sincai excessive insistence on explicit sex scenes are sometimes in bad taste, even for the large number of pages filled in this way.

Web Resources: Site author

Necklace Dark Passion site Mondadori

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Where To Buy Black Shoes Sg

Factor-V - No. 6

Title: FACTOR-V, No. 6
Episode: In the hour of DARK
Screenplay : LUIGI BOCCIA
Cover: MARIA CANCELLIERI, MARCO MORANDI; col: Mark dominates
Lettering: Lucas TOCCACELLI
Pages: 96
Edition: STAR COMICS, 01-2011
Col sixth issue, on sale since late January, ending the adventures of Factor-V .

Dr. Blackstone, the father Bryan and Violet are ready for the decisive battle with the vampires.
Red Mountain has become a ghost town when Sebastian and his companions will return to adventure, vampires are hidden in buildings and are ready to eat intruders.
Violaine, the vampire who opened the trap door that connects the underworld with the human, thanks to the flash-back knows that receives the movement of vampires led by Morpheus and became the leadership of Sebastian and his father Bryan.
During a break, the three fall into a trap by bloodsucking warp, but thanks to the spirit of children killed in the orphanage in Red Mountain, manage to escape and reach the stronghold of Morpheus. Overcome the pitfalls that preclude access to the fort, arriving in the presence of the lord of vampires discovers that Martha and Sebastian, his wife, who was believed dead, has become one of them. A fight took place between Martha and Violaine and Morpheus while you enjoy the show, Sebastian manages to shoot him dead.
the death of a king, however, we must elect a new king ...

A final height of the series, the atmosphere of horror and suspense take the reader to the crucial plot twist. The Candied
tables are perfect to make the reader share in the terror that is the background to that adventure, playing skillfully with the inking and the monstrous details of the subjects of Morpheus, manages to make even the most fearless shudder.

Web Resources: The site
Stivaletti su Wikipedia
Star Comics

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

How Long Wear Girdle After Pregnancy

Buffy the Vampire Slayer - Vol .17

Soggetto : JOSS WHEDON
Copertina : JO CHEN
ISBN : 978-88-6123-833-6
Pagine : 144
Ed. originale : DARK HORSE, 2009
                                                       Ed Italian: Edizioni BD, 01-2011

continues the adventures of Buffy with the eighth season, only to comic books, published by the publishing house BD.

This fifth chapter contains five episodes, written by famous writers, set in different parts of the world, where, next to the hunter, appear some old acquaintances met during the season shown on TV.
harmonics diverge The frivolous vampire Harmony Kendall became the star of a reality show, and is enjoying great success. Harmony at a party suffers the aggression of a girl armed with a subsidiary punta di legno. Le cacciatrici adesso hanno assunto la parte del cattivo agli occhi del pubblico, e Harmony non vede l’ora di avere Buffy e la sua squadra come ospiti del reality.
Tsunami: Satsu è il capo delle cacciatrici giapponesi e non accetta di buon grado che Buffy le abbia mandato Kennedy (l’ex amante di Willow) nella squadra, ma non c’è tempo per litigare. Fra poco saranno messi in commercio i Vampikachoo, deliziosi animaletti di peluche dai canini molto affilati.
Predatori e prede: Buffy si reca in Italia con Andrew (il nerd a capo delle cacciatrici italiane) per fronteggiare Simone, che ha tradito la squadra e trovato un’arma micidiale.
Santuario: Giles manages to save time and Courtney Faith from the monster that lurks in the sanctuary of the hunter, giving the viewer into a meal that had set the trap.
Talking Doll: Due to the curse of Kenny Trismegistus, Dawn becomes, by the centaur, a porcelain doll. An old toymaker finds her and rescues. Meanwhile Buffy can not find Kenny and forced him to cancel the curse. Dawn comes, finally, to be the sister of the huntress nuisance. In the appendix we
two brief episodes: the first we see Harmony fight and reconcile with his deformed servant, in a second Vampikachoo become the best friend of a plump girl.

Questo è l’albo più divertente di tutta l’ottava stagione; pubblicato nel pieno del successo dei vampiri “buoni e bravi”, contiene bonarie prese in giro nei confronti di queste creature, a partire dal nemico che si chiama Twilight, per arrivare a vampire protagoniste di show televisivi che mettono in cattiva luce i cacciatori.
L’idea del Vampikachoo è la più divertente dell’intero volume; il tenero pupazzo si accanisce sul prossimo con furia inaudita, senza paura di imbrattare il morbido peluche con sangue e vomito.

Risorse Web:
Sito di Jane Espenson
Deknight su Wikipedia
Greenberg su Wikipedia
Joss Whedon on Wikipedia
Edizioni BD

Monday, February 21, 2011

Confirmation Catholic Encouragement

All dictators, even those who do not believe such and those which are not regarded as such by all, have the following characteristics.

A charismatic personality, which does not mean they are better or more courageous than others.
It simply means that they know better handle the crowds to pursue an interest.
means which are often funny and communicate positive, faith in the future, even if there is no statistical reason to be garrulous or boldly. They captured the essential truth that the average human being is more captivated by a smile from a long face, just like a baby that needs to be reflected in the kindly face of his mother and not that of a surly young lady Rottelmeyer. One thing I know any PR, but in their case, the stakes are a bit more clout.

Dictators, what is the purpose? Becoming king of the world, the rulers of the universe, like in cartoons?
Answer: Yes.
The cartoons have a profound wisdom.
The Power of Power. Orwell knew this. Even Tolkien, who wrote stories quell'inglese dwarf with hairy feet.

Dictators, at any level (Pinches tiranos, tyrants, marketing manager, tyrants, dictators, Pol Pot and orcs) not delegate anything and regard the dissent an act of treason (if you This opposition) or denial (in the case of members of the same faction, party or other association). Basically do not know how to work with others. And sometimes can not even control. One thing they do well, However, fear.

Dictators use simple weapons that do not always result in the direct violence.
Money is the first, because everyone is corruptible, in some way.

To suggest a doubt to be irreplaceable, that there is someone who can do what they do, is the second, and worst weapon in their possession. Why do people get used to think that without them you can not go on.

The ideals are the third weapon.
Dictators often lean to the traditional values \u200b\u200bof family and religion.
often favor the official churches. They preach the love of life and in fact make the world a considerable number of children by an equally impressive number of wives. They are capable of acts of great generosity with the individual in trouble, because this puts them at peace with their idea of \u200b\u200ba clean conscience, but they are completely impervious to the thought of a "common good" on a large scale.

The fourth weapon is the mystification of reality through the obsessive repetition of slogans of great power. Something similar to infamy advertisement for a clothing brand that Young was playing: "Be stupid."

The fifth weapon is the mystification of the self: the real dictator ci crede, alle bugie che dice. Per questo suona così convincente.

I dittatori hanno sempre, sempre paura della stampa, dell'informazione e della critica. E non c'è nulla quanto un dittatore che rifiuti di venire a patti con il Quarto potere, che faccia scatenare i peggiori mastini dell'informazione. E la pioggia si abbatte inevitabilmente sui giusti e sugli ingiusti, perché non tutta la stampa è buona e non tutta la buona stampa sa essere efficace quando è il caso di esserlo. E spesso assistiamo all'orrendo spettacolo di cani rabbiosi che si contendono a morsi un polistirolo bisunto del Mac Donald's, mentre la ciccia è ben altrove e di quella nessuno ha il coraggio di occuparsi. 

I dittatori esistono perché la maggior parte della gente è pigra. Non cattiva, non possediamo una tale statura morale: solo pigra. La logica del branco elimina il dissidente singolo come un povero sfigato, ma accetta la deposizione del tiranno qualora ciò avvenga di comune accordo. Molti animali ci riescono brillantemente, gli esseri umani molto meno, specie se ciò non risponde all'immediata gratificazione di un bisogno primario quale il cibo o la mera sopravvivenza.

I dittatori amano spesso circondarsi di belle donne e magnifiche case, cosa peraltro comune a moltissimi membri della razza umana senza che ciò rappresenti di itself a flaw. But the dictators around the world, this aspect takes on unusual proportions, grotesque, suspicious, contradictory to the supposed "morality" that they themselves preach to others, strengthened by the support, or the silence of most ecclesiastical hierarchy.

Dictators do not read, except to confirm them in their idea of \u200b\u200bpower.
surround themselves with people to lower their intelligence or ability, creating a large array of valvassini ready for anything. They do not like who is better than them, because they will not learn anything. And sometimes, hiding behind an inordinate love for certain authors or certain architectures, fighting the culture, because culture is also criticism, and criticism makes them tremble.

Dictators are extremely sensitive people who love animals and children.

Dictators are ugly, and sleep little.

Dictators there will always be, as long as we ordinary people will continue to be 1) servants asleep, or just 2) any person .

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Command And Conquer 3 Install Interupted

Whatever People still call me that thing that rhymes with heart

I had heard it once, munching on a wafer. I had not liked the song by Roberta Flack Call still love. Since the title and nothing else with this love, my gosh, looks like a book Moccia. For someone like him you should wait no longer. When, ten minutes ago, Gianni Morandi announced his victory at the Sanremo Festival, I had a fit of anger. No, but how? Why?
Then I set to play again carefully. The flaws: the melody is still un'autocitazione Roberto Vecchioni Roberto Vecchioni-. And something (the inspiration, the intention, the music, I have not yet understood) reminded me dream girl dreams of so many years ago but always beautiful. Nothing new musically, at least to the ears of an outsider as I think. Words ... eh, yes, a nice spooned rhetoric there. The problem is that it works. It works because it captures something deeply felt in the Italy of this time. It was real glory? Or did he too smart? Looking at his eyes shining with joy, it seemed to me that Bob believed it. That redeems from a lot of rhetoric. Not to mention that, in addition to the word "love", there is also the word "book". Not bad. There are a waterfall? Maybe, but then again, it works.

move to serious things: I am the only one to think that Belén and Canalis colonnoni like two pink in their clothes did not do anything for justice? On Dior and Armani is difficult to discuss, especially those wrapped in cloth, there are those ineffable beauty, però dissento ugualmente dalla scelta sartoriale. E cos'era quello svolazzo in testa a Elisabetta? E la bomboniera su una spalla sola? E Belén? dorme tra due tiranti, che a ogni puntata era sempre più alta? Baaaa, andate a fare le taxi driver (in italiano, per chi non lo sapesse, "taxi driver"), che è meglio.

Friday, February 18, 2011

Scorpio Men When Hurt

Franco Mistral, "The Vampire. True Story"

Year: 1869 Edition
: Keres, 2011
Cover: Michele Rapisardi, "HEAD OPHELIA OF MAD "(1865)
ISBN: 978-88-97231-01-1
Pages: 240
Last January released by Editions Keres a book particularly interesting for fans of vampires. The Vampire. True Story of Frank Mistral is, in fact, the first vampire novel of Italian literature. Published in 1869, anticipated by three decades Stoker's Dracula and three years Carmilla Le Fanu. The reissue, the first exit of the novel, is actually a real annotated edition, enriched by an introduction and a thorough biobibliografia author.
The book, for the moment, can only be purchased on the publisher's site .

St. Petersburg, December 20, 1825. Nicholas Romanoff, Czar of All Russia, managed to escape from a plot thanks to the friend Maria Ludowiska. The emperor and woman behind a difficult love, never materialized because it is opposed by the father of Nicholas, the Tsar Alexander. This forced Mary unwelcome because the Polish Count Ludowiskoi to marry: the woman had to accept his fate, but never allowed herself to her husband. Some time later, during a dance, a masked woman with a black cloak in the context implied a suspicion that Mary betray him with Nicole. Ludowiskoi thus becomes the worst enemy of the tsar, but his deception was discovered and he was sent to Siberia. Here was saved by the witch Jarba, where the magic began.
Monaco, 1862. An artist, narrator of the story, a guest at the villa of Count Alfred Kostia, discovers that the owner of the house hides a secret torment. Kostia, pausing before a painting of Ophelia, tells his friend that the model was portrayed his beloved Ludowiska Pia, who died ten years earlier. The perfect likeness of a woman having a few days earlier during a trip to Kostia, is proof that Pia is back from the dead as a vampire. Moreover, the exhumation of the body, the coffin is found empty, except for a medallion and a ring.
In the following days, the artist and Kosta have the opportunity to meet the woman of the trip: it is Schonenberg Metella of the beautiful princess. Metella takes just to win the sympathies of Alfredo, the distrustful. The narrator, however, is upset when she sees the ring of the princess, which is identical to that of the woman in the portrait, and his ambiguous behavior. Concerned for his friend, the artist decided to investigate his secret, and get the help of the Prince of Monaco and the worthy inspector Ledru. The three reconstruct a history of blood and revenge, tied to the sad events of the family of Kost, of the mysterious and the same parents Metella Tsar Nicholas. To hinder the research will take care of the mysterious Eliam scientist alchemist, a close friend of the princess.

The Vampire. True Story is a compelling novel, the narrative passionate and full of late-romantic atmosphere. The style is refined and elegant, and the language of the time makes the reading enjoyable for its taste back. The story is full of quotations and anecdotes, and extensive notes on time, allowing the reader to discover historical and mythological stories and characters. The digressions are interesting especially when they draw Mistrali glimpses of his time as a detailed description of the boudoir of Metella. Memory, then, the short dissertation on vampires, some reported in the fourth. Wanting to find a genre, the work can be placed between the Gothic thrillers and historical novels.
Particularly successful are the characters of the Prince of Monaco and shrewd Inspector Ledru, by inquiring whether the modern detective, referring to Poe's Dupin Augusta. So much so that the real clash is between your and Ledru Eliam. Reason and justice are, however, here defeated by science and magic, which together comprise a mixture invincible. Metella also fascinating character, a true femme fatale , which will fall at his feet the poor Kostia, among dozens of suitors.
Among witches, ghosts and vampires, Mistral gives the reader the horrors and suggestions by candlelight, in whose light water portrayed in the context Ophelia seems agitated and the ghosts come to life.
curious description of the vampires, which the stories are Kostia Hungarian origin. They are blood drinkers who come out at night from the tomb, looking for victims asleep. Insubstantial as smoke into the room, standing on the cold lips of the victims at heart, and a small bite or suck blood. To destroy them, you have to pierce the bowel with a sharp pole carved from a tree fresh and headless, tear the heart and burn it, and finally sprinkle holy water with the remains.

Web Resources: Issues
Keres Keres
on Facebook
Franco Mistrali Wikipedia
Data Sheet The Vampire

Flowy Skirts And Shirts

Anthem for the funeral of an ideal

Non mi piace l’Inno di Mameli, non mi è mai piaciuto. E’ una questione di gusti. Non mi piace il ritmo da marcetta, non mi piacciono frasi come   “schiava di Roma Iddio la creò”, non amo il riferimento a elmi e condottieri, la prontezza auspicata, retorica per noi ma molto concreta per chi lo scrisse, a dare la vita per la cosiddetta patria. Il testo è ritmico ma raffazzonato, e lascia un involontario retrogusto fascista. Chi ha proposto di sostituirlo con il Va’ pensiero dal Nabucco di Verdi ha colto l’esigenza fondamentale di un inno nazionale è cioè quella di creare una melodia bella e solenne, che unisca   chi la ascolta in un sentimento comune, un afflato poetico che ci rende uguali, almeno nel momento della cantata.
Ieri Roberto Benigni, dopo aver fatto irruzione sul palco dell’Ariston su un magnifico cavallo bianco, redini in una mano, Tricolore nell’altra, ha cercato di evocarlo, questo common sense, telling us how did the national anthem, who was its author, in circumstances such as tragic and heroic death. An important intervention, especially in an Italy "underage" who has not the courage to look at him, an Italy in which impaired intelligence policy seems to identify the willingness to be corrupt at all levels. Italy, where if you are a pathetic fool no fool, Italy by four scoundrels of money but make lots of money. Italy bending every law and principle in favor of the powerful shift, Italy for double and triple posts, the fake invalids and young people accused of being big babies out of work, a fronte di tanti mangiapane a ufo rimasti in carica per trent’anni, tuttora golosamente seduti in Parlamento (De Mita vi dice qualcosa? Mastella?) e tutt’altro che ansiosi di mollare le loro comode, e disertate, poltrone. Quindi sì: ridare dignità all’Inno di Mameli facendolo conoscere a tutti è un atto di fede, di autentica gentilezza verso un Paese stanco di ignoranza e stupidità.
Quando Benigni si è messo a cantare, in un sussurro, i versi di Mameli, perfino la maestrina dalla penna rossa ha avvertito un brivido. Perché Benigni stava cantando al funerale di un’Italia che forse non è mai esistita: le esequie di un ideale.
destruens Pars. I can not pay someone, in genial, half a million euro to make me move. Moreover, in his enthusiasm, Roberto had to fly on the massacres and the monstrosity made up of many different peoples in the name of a peninsula that all they wanted. Kudos to Mazzini, Garibaldi honor, people who gave us the face and heart, so different from the faces of ass that we have to see every day on TV. But Italy was born divided, a babel of languages \u200b\u200band sizes, all proudly "different" (The brewer Preston Andrea Camilleri explains very well the issue, exposing the reader to the risk of sbudellarsi dal ridere attraverso i dialoghi surreali di piemontesi, siciliani, toscani e veneti che all’indomani dell’unità hanno serissimi problemi di comunicazione). E’ Storia: ci sono cicatrici che stentano a rimarginarsi. Al Sud, e anche al Nord. Va bene un discorso che cerchi di fare appello a una coscienza nazionale: ma non ricordare che, per tanta gente, essere annessi contro la propria volontà non è stato esattamente a piece of cake , evoca una retorica che non riesco ad apprezzare fino in fondo.   Terza pecca: la lunghezza dell’intervento. “Less is more”, perfino in tv.
Immagino che dopo l’impegno di ieri, This evening we will return the cheerful cazzonaggine Italic ever. worry: it's time to sequins.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Sims Wetting Themselves


And the second is gone. Take away some mummies whose surprising state of preservation is approaching what Stephen King would call "creepy" scary and frightening, a finger of ice in the back so to speak. Al Bano, for example, when you throw in a hail of warble there is always a danger that explodes, as the bird with the Princess of Shrek. And I have a strong opposition to the use of the name "Amanda", the vocal, but saw some issues not yet resolved in Perugia court, I would have chosen another name, and avoid evoking the blonde in Seattle, very little freedom for the moment. Patty Pravo Megadeth is a bit like a 'scared me. Instead I enjoyed Natalie (you spell it?), Although I reserve the right to listen to his song without video, because it is the only way to see the music without having to suffer the singer. Conduction: the two fenicottere kiss and say stupid things, do not know how to present and patience, with the aggravating circumstance of the same color hair. Belén Canalis eat for breakfast. Morandi has strange ideas about the Italian Republic.
But we come to Paul and Luke, ladies the day before duettando in veste di Fini e Berlusca. Come alcuni hanno detto, è ben triste la satira imposta per par condicio. Anche perché la satira deve colpire duro, usare vie di mezzo la snatura. Prendere in giro Saviano? Bah, può anche andare: l'uomo, nonostante i molti meriti, si presta (col berretto della laurea in testa somigliava decisamente all'ayatollah Komeini). E nessuno dev'essere esente a priori da una democratica presa in giro. Ma la satira non si può imporre, dev'essere una cosa spontanea, e la cosa più spontanea in assoluto è la presa in giro del potere inarrivabile, non di chi quel potere lo mette in discussione, rischiando in proprio (come fa Saviano, appunto). Perde di senso, è forzata. E' difficult, however, do not laugh at Berlusconi: the guy is a born entertainer, even when it wants. Just look at 'em as if two Australian journalists in connection with Rome:

We look a bit' scoglionati, the next episode, hoping that Luke and Paul do not squash the sistemaccio Rai. Why the satire just does not believe anyone laugh. And which ones are imposed from above is ... Soviet Union.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Command And Conquer 3 Install Interrupted

Two Satyrs in a playmobil barbie

I've seen the last five minutes. He had to greetings. At the recapitulation of an evening filled with plays he made. So, I admit, my most che un giudizio è un pregiudizio. Iniziamo dai tre soggetti sul palco: due barbie e un playmobil. Belén svettante su tutti. Hanno detto che era la più impostata, la più rigida. A me è sembrata molto più a proprio agio della Canalis, che ha cercato di interferire a più riprese con gli interventi del morandone, abbracciandolo con sollecitudine sospetta e non troppo ricambiata, quasi dovesse dimostrare qualcosa. Mah. E poi questi duetti disperabondi in cui si urla con grandissima arte e pochissimo testo. Un pathos che soverchia il tema di tante canzoni esili. Look ornitologici (vedi Anna Oxa), parole spesso incomprensibili, belle voci che imitano se stesse (mi riservo di ascoltare attentamente Vecchioni, cui Luttazzo Fegiz ha smaltato un nice 10), sciamannatini of all sizes, to applause sticky absent, dying or removed.
We'll see.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Will Flea Foggers Kill Lice

Tim Lucas, "The Book of Renfield"

Title: The Book of Renfield (The Book of Renfield: a Gospel of Dracula)
Year: 2005
Italian edition: GARGOYLE, 2011
Cover: ni
ISBN: 978-88-89541-52-4
Pages: 316
The Dracula di Bram Stoker, dalla sua pubblicazione, è stato soggetto a numerosi adattamenti per il cinema e il teatro, ma anche ad altrettanti tentativi di analisi e spiegazione (a cominciare dal Dracula annotato di Leonard Wolf). Alcuni autori, poi, hanno voluto riscrivere il romanzo partendo dal punto di vista dei protagonisti: è il caso di Fred Saberhagen, che ha fatto incontrare i discendenti di Harker e Mina proprio col principe delle tenebre, che li ha costretti a riascoltare i fatti del 1885 raccontandoli egli stesso.
Adesso Martin Seward, pronipote del Dr. Seward, ha deciso di dare alle stampe i diari del suo antenato con i taccuini del suo paziente, Renfield, che durante il delirio aveva annunciato l’arrivo di Dracula.
Sono trascorsi alcuni anni dalla sconfitta del vampiro e John e Mina decidono di scambiarsi i diari del 1885 col Dr Seward. Dopo averli letti, Mina li sottopone a Bram Stoker, che scriverà un libro che dovrà servire da monito alle generazioni future.
Lo scrittore irlandese, però, ha trattato superficialmente gli appunti di Seward, trascurando alcuni importanti aspetti concernenti la storia di Renfield, il pazzo zoofago accolto nel manicomio di Carfax.
Grazie alla casa editrice Gargoyle , da gennaio, anche noi possiamo conoscere nel dettaglio il personaggio più inquietante del romanzo di Stoker.

Il Dottor Seward, dopo aver ricoverato un misterioso cinquantanovenne corpulento, si accorge che costui ha dei comportamenti and crises do not arise in any other mental patient that have been occupied so far. They are held several meetings, promptly recorded and conducted in safety, in which the patient tells her story.
Abandoned at an early age, Renfield is met by a pastor who could not find a family ready to receive it, it grows with love taking care of his education and turning a blind eye on his morbid passion for animals.
Renfield, as all the orphans, is curious about its origins and when he sees a mysterious woman dressed in black who comforts him with kisses and caresses, he began to believe that she is his mother. The pastor welcomes
canonical Moyra, a dowdy woman who must deal with dei pasti e della pulizia. Moyra diventerà l’oggetto dell’odio del giovane Renfield, innanzitutto per la sua borsa di tappeto che compare spesso nei suoi incubi. Tale sentimento diventerà più forte quando il pastore gli rivelerà che la domestica è sua madre. Quando Moyra si ammalerà, Renfield ne accelererà sadicamente la morte, spaventandola col suo ratto domestico. Qualche tempo dopo, la donna in nero compare alla porta della canonica e viene assunta per occuparsi dell’istruzione di Renfield.
Una notte il ragazzo, durante uno scatto d’ira, uccide il pastore e dà fuoco alla canonica. Mentre fugge, incontra la donna in nero che lo prepara all’arrivo del Maestro chiedendogli in sacrificio il suo amato topo domestico. Fino al ricovero in manicomio, Renfield vaga vivendo solo dei tesori che trova profanando le tombe illuminate dai fuochi fatui, tenendo il cadavere del topo con sé avvolto in un fazzoletto.
Seward ha commentato i racconti del paziente alla luce delle proprie conoscenze psichiatriche, mascherando il proprio sconcerto davanti alla scoperta della grottesca alimentazione del folle e meravigliandosi davanti alla conoscenza delle Scritture citate con disinvoltura dal paziente.
I racconti e i commenti sono intervallati dalle pagine del diario del dottore che, ferito dal rifiuto di Lucy e turbato dal paziente zoofago con i suoi deliri sull’arrivo di un Maestro che non ha nulla a che vedere con il Cristo, cerca sollievo con farmaci ipnotici.
No time to rest, much less to try to come to your senses the patient who has repeatedly tried to escape: the Master has arrived and told his beloved disciple too ...

Tim Lucas has managed to propose, in the form a narrative, a detailed analysis of the most disturbing and disgusting character of the novel by Stoker. From childhood, marked the stages of his methodical madness, represented by an unhealthy devotion to the evil that prepares the path. As the saying goes "the road to hell is paved with good intentions," so the stories of the insane are covered with verses of the Bible, the same, however, that gli infermieri hanno trovato nel suo vaso da notte.
Accanto all’avvento del male, c’è il desiderio d’immortalità che, come anima Renfield e lo costringe a nutrirsi di vite di mosche, ragni, passerotti ecc…, ha sempre guidato l’uomo, il quale, oggi più che mai, tenta tutte le vie possibili per vincere la caducità del corpo.
Come in Dracula , l’autore ha costruito un mosaico di frammenti di diario, relazioni e colloqui clinici (le parti presenti anche nel romanzo di Stoker sono state evidenziate in grassetto), conservando lo stile narrativo dei romanzi vittoriani.
In appendice, l’autore, nei panni del pronipote di Seward, commenta le circostanze che l’hanno portato a decidere di pubblicare il diario del suo avo, circostanze connesse con l’11 settembre 2001. Data in cui, come successe con la società vittoriana, la quiete degli Stati Uniti è stata compromessa da un nemico straniero.
Alessandro Defilippi, invece, ci parla della follia come elemento strettamente connesso al fantastico; partendo da Renfield, col cui nome è stata battezzata una psicosi, analizza i luoghi della pazzia: i grandi manicomi della storia e la loro influenza nella letteratura.

Risorse Web:
Tim Lucas su Wikipedia
Gargoyle Books

Sunday, February 13, 2011

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Darren Shan - No.6

Titolo : DARREN SHAN, No.6
Screenplay: DARREN SHAN
Translation: RIE ZUSHI
ISBN: no
Pages: 190
original Ed: Shogakukan, 2007
Ed it. : STAR COMICS, 01-2011

We now reached the sixth episode of the comic adventures of Darren Shan .

In the preceding half-vampire discovered the betrayal of the Kurdish and decided to flee rather than get help to him, risking their lives dragged from the river current. While
feels death approaching, Darren gets the help of the spirit of Gavner Purl through which can leave the water and, with the little strength left, walks in the forest. A pack of wolves to his aid and helped him heal from his injuries. Darren, however, wants to save the vampire race from the threat of vampaneze that, with the mean plane of Kurds, have arrived Peak to hiding in a cave. Once you have decided to return at the vampires, although they have ruled his death sentence, he discovers that Kurdistan is to be elected Grand Marshal. During the ceremony, Darren unmask the traitor, and then starts searching for vampaneze.
Once you have found the hiding place the battle between the two species, and Madame Octa will assume a key role in the outcome of the operation. The faction of vampires will defeat our enemies, but there are losses. Even Arra, the vampire loved by Mr Crepsley, succumb.
When calm was restored, it is time to process Kurds, during the defense, declare that his actions were aimed at achieving peace between the two races vampires. His words, however, did not save him from execution.
Even Darren was decreed the same fate, but given his courage in denouncing the betrayal and its intervention in the battle, the vampires will hold a second trial. The only way to ensure that Darren has saved the life of a rule change would be unacceptable for the vampires who prefer to name him Grand Marshal with the consequent consecration ritual in front of the stone of blood.

This time Darren is faced with important choices for the community of vampires and gives evidence of great courage deserve their respect. The half-vampire
also realizes the importance of peace between the two races vampire and manages to understand the motivations of Kurdistan, and then suffering for his death. Now
Darren Shan must fulfill the responsibilities related to his appointment as Grand Marshal, but vampaneze how to react to news of the death of their fellows at the peak of the Vampires?

Web Resources:
The site of Darren Shan
The saga of Darren Shan in Wikipedia
Manga Blog
Star Comics