Thursday, February 17, 2011

Sims Wetting Themselves


And the second is gone. Take away some mummies whose surprising state of preservation is approaching what Stephen King would call "creepy" scary and frightening, a finger of ice in the back so to speak. Al Bano, for example, when you throw in a hail of warble there is always a danger that explodes, as the bird with the Princess of Shrek. And I have a strong opposition to the use of the name "Amanda", the vocal, but saw some issues not yet resolved in Perugia court, I would have chosen another name, and avoid evoking the blonde in Seattle, very little freedom for the moment. Patty Pravo Megadeth is a bit like a 'scared me. Instead I enjoyed Natalie (you spell it?), Although I reserve the right to listen to his song without video, because it is the only way to see the music without having to suffer the singer. Conduction: the two fenicottere kiss and say stupid things, do not know how to present and patience, with the aggravating circumstance of the same color hair. Belén Canalis eat for breakfast. Morandi has strange ideas about the Italian Republic.
But we come to Paul and Luke, ladies the day before duettando in veste di Fini e Berlusca. Come alcuni hanno detto, è ben triste la satira imposta per par condicio. Anche perché la satira deve colpire duro, usare vie di mezzo la snatura. Prendere in giro Saviano? Bah, può anche andare: l'uomo, nonostante i molti meriti, si presta (col berretto della laurea in testa somigliava decisamente all'ayatollah Komeini). E nessuno dev'essere esente a priori da una democratica presa in giro. Ma la satira non si può imporre, dev'essere una cosa spontanea, e la cosa più spontanea in assoluto è la presa in giro del potere inarrivabile, non di chi quel potere lo mette in discussione, rischiando in proprio (come fa Saviano, appunto). Perde di senso, è forzata. E' difficult, however, do not laugh at Berlusconi: the guy is a born entertainer, even when it wants. Just look at 'em as if two Australian journalists in connection with Rome:

We look a bit' scoglionati, the next episode, hoping that Luke and Paul do not squash the sistemaccio Rai. Why the satire just does not believe anyone laugh. And which ones are imposed from above is ... Soviet Union.


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