Sunday, February 27, 2011

Grecian Style Sienna Miller

De Profundis. Reminder. Dictators and

Every time you utter the words, pay attention to yourself.
Watch yourselves.

Friendship. I'm not a good friend and I am saying now, so nobody has to complain. As a wise man said long ago, I always expose - "false" (cited above). Yes: so no one can give me on him. Just me.

Friendship: the No. 1 characteristic of this alliance is the indispensable, spontaneous Reciprocity. If there is one, there is nothing. If you have a friend who does not ask you how you are, you do not inform how's your life or if he does merely to speak of his own, which not fun to create complicity on common things, you listen to me, is not a friend, but a partner in adventure. Cross your path for a while ', you might as well have fun, learn a lot, get along well, but the friend is something else. If, for example, he / and is so determined to never speak of his cock, but I say, never , your request is not a friend / a. And 'one who needs a comfortable vomitatoio. Nothing wrong, per se: just know, and do not use words inappropriately.

Friendship. There are many people who believe that a friend can say everything. We were wrong. Friend you can say almost everything, and with due caution. If you love a friend, save a lot of things. If you love only yourself, did not save anything.

Friendship. There are people who believe that honesty is a value in itself. If this were true, we could come close to a blind man in his ears and scream, "Are you blind man, by God! You see how six blind man?"

If this were true, we could get close to someone dressed in a way that we do not like and say, "You positively disgusting. Changed." Just because you do not like us.

If this were true, we would not have such an inordinate need to show our sincerity at every turn, make a flag of virtue adamant against any frivolous corruption, when in reality we are not hiding behind our personal grudges, envy and social grievances to be expressed in the most brutal, offensive and unnecessary, especially with so-called "friends": those to whom we can say all, why are people always listen. The coglionazzi.

No, I think instead of assuming Gibran: look for your friend when life smiles at you, share your best with him. Who knew your storms, also know your weather. Stop.

Love. A word to use as little as possible, but that when they try, can move mountains. Use it from time to time and only if you believe it. It 'a nice word, gentle. It should not be wasted. That said: You love being the company only because solitude is a fucking fear. It is not love then fight for peace: that's passion, big-big ego, and that's fine, but not love. Do not you love to be attached to someone like mussels to the rock, with recriminations and loved stifle unwanted attention and not due. True love is a feather weight: the weight of the heart beat and nothing more.

Love. Covering an idyllic instinct as old as the world. And so everything is right, just to be clear. If I get married to please my father / mother, I am prostituting for a convention. If I do not regret for my husband mother / father, I'm prostituting my rebellion. Love does not it will benefit.

Love, as I know very little, is mild, tender, simple and profound. It can dress up in a terrifying, have a thousand faces, and not all cute and nice, but once there - I repeat: it is mild, tender, simple, profound. It is always there. A few words or a thousand words, is the same. Do not judge the sword. E 'elusive as the Cheshire Cat aka Cat, but it is there. Without too much explanation.

Love is like the modern human blood for vampires: they can also do without, maybe you live too and keep more polished and efficient, But you do not live yourself through. So, in spite of all wise cynicism, better to have than not.

In short: watch yourselves. Nosce te ipsum. Know thyself. Stop


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