Saturday, February 5, 2011

Did Denise Milani Have Plastic Surgery

Vampir - No.4

Title: Flushing, No.4
Subject: Natsumi Itsuki
Screenplay: Natsumi Itsuki
Drawings: Natsumi Itsuki
Colors: no
Cover: Natsumi Itsuki
Lettering : REN STUDIO
ISBN: 978-88-6468-187-0
Pages: 176
Ed Home : KODANSHA, 2009
Ed. it. : GP PUBLISHING, 01-2011

Fra tutti i manga che trattano di vampiri recentemente pubblicati in Italia, paradossalmente, uno dei migliori riguarda creature che non risorgono dalla tomba e non si nutrono di sangue. Il fumetto in questione è Vampir di Natsumi Itsuki, ormai giunto al quarto albo.

Nel terzo numero abbiamo visto l’arrivo di Ryuka dall’Europa. Il vampiro occupa il corpo, apparentemente innocuo, di un bambino malato affidato alle cure di una ragazza di nome Sabine.
Ryo sta faticosamente riprendendosi dall’esperienza di fusione con il Barone grazie all’aiuto Sho, while Ichimaru Usui asked the psychologist to submit to therapy because he suspects that his friend is suffering from split personality. Together with Sabine and
Ryuka, Usui went to the house of Ryo. The boy in the company of Sho and the girl has just made a request unacceptable.
The vampire who dwells in the body of a child has Cantarella (the vampire who dwells in the body of Sho) suffering from a mental illness that renders it incapable of opposing the wishes of the host body. Usui will have to intervene, albeit reluctantly, to get them regain lucidity.
Alone with Sho, Usui can be told the circumstances which led the girl to death.
while Ryo was felt by his alter ego (in fact born of the merger with Baron) of dangerous Ryuka that, in agreement with the Baron, wants to accelerate his departure.
Ryo rushes to warn Sabine and call upon it to stay away from the child, but due to the explosion of a building, the woman will die in the rubble making body within the host Ryuka.
Ryuka's arrival disrupts the already precarious balance of the protagonists who are forced to face a new and powerful enemy.

Natsumi Itsuki gives many pages to the tragic past of Sho, facing another inconvenient truth often closed in the home and wearing a mask of serenity.
Ryo, Finally, he realizes dell'insopportabilità of his status as half-dead and decided to do everything possible to get rid of the influence of Baron.

Web Resources:
Vampir Wikipedia
Natsumi Itsuki Wikipedia
GP Publishing


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