Monday, February 21, 2011

Confirmation Catholic Encouragement

All dictators, even those who do not believe such and those which are not regarded as such by all, have the following characteristics.

A charismatic personality, which does not mean they are better or more courageous than others.
It simply means that they know better handle the crowds to pursue an interest.
means which are often funny and communicate positive, faith in the future, even if there is no statistical reason to be garrulous or boldly. They captured the essential truth that the average human being is more captivated by a smile from a long face, just like a baby that needs to be reflected in the kindly face of his mother and not that of a surly young lady Rottelmeyer. One thing I know any PR, but in their case, the stakes are a bit more clout.

Dictators, what is the purpose? Becoming king of the world, the rulers of the universe, like in cartoons?
Answer: Yes.
The cartoons have a profound wisdom.
The Power of Power. Orwell knew this. Even Tolkien, who wrote stories quell'inglese dwarf with hairy feet.

Dictators, at any level (Pinches tiranos, tyrants, marketing manager, tyrants, dictators, Pol Pot and orcs) not delegate anything and regard the dissent an act of treason (if you This opposition) or denial (in the case of members of the same faction, party or other association). Basically do not know how to work with others. And sometimes can not even control. One thing they do well, However, fear.

Dictators use simple weapons that do not always result in the direct violence.
Money is the first, because everyone is corruptible, in some way.

To suggest a doubt to be irreplaceable, that there is someone who can do what they do, is the second, and worst weapon in their possession. Why do people get used to think that without them you can not go on.

The ideals are the third weapon.
Dictators often lean to the traditional values \u200b\u200bof family and religion.
often favor the official churches. They preach the love of life and in fact make the world a considerable number of children by an equally impressive number of wives. They are capable of acts of great generosity with the individual in trouble, because this puts them at peace with their idea of \u200b\u200ba clean conscience, but they are completely impervious to the thought of a "common good" on a large scale.

The fourth weapon is the mystification of reality through the obsessive repetition of slogans of great power. Something similar to infamy advertisement for a clothing brand that Young was playing: "Be stupid."

The fifth weapon is the mystification of the self: the real dictator ci crede, alle bugie che dice. Per questo suona così convincente.

I dittatori hanno sempre, sempre paura della stampa, dell'informazione e della critica. E non c'è nulla quanto un dittatore che rifiuti di venire a patti con il Quarto potere, che faccia scatenare i peggiori mastini dell'informazione. E la pioggia si abbatte inevitabilmente sui giusti e sugli ingiusti, perché non tutta la stampa è buona e non tutta la buona stampa sa essere efficace quando è il caso di esserlo. E spesso assistiamo all'orrendo spettacolo di cani rabbiosi che si contendono a morsi un polistirolo bisunto del Mac Donald's, mentre la ciccia è ben altrove e di quella nessuno ha il coraggio di occuparsi. 

I dittatori esistono perché la maggior parte della gente è pigra. Non cattiva, non possediamo una tale statura morale: solo pigra. La logica del branco elimina il dissidente singolo come un povero sfigato, ma accetta la deposizione del tiranno qualora ciò avvenga di comune accordo. Molti animali ci riescono brillantemente, gli esseri umani molto meno, specie se ciò non risponde all'immediata gratificazione di un bisogno primario quale il cibo o la mera sopravvivenza.

I dittatori amano spesso circondarsi di belle donne e magnifiche case, cosa peraltro comune a moltissimi membri della razza umana senza che ciò rappresenti di itself a flaw. But the dictators around the world, this aspect takes on unusual proportions, grotesque, suspicious, contradictory to the supposed "morality" that they themselves preach to others, strengthened by the support, or the silence of most ecclesiastical hierarchy.

Dictators do not read, except to confirm them in their idea of \u200b\u200bpower.
surround themselves with people to lower their intelligence or ability, creating a large array of valvassini ready for anything. They do not like who is better than them, because they will not learn anything. And sometimes, hiding behind an inordinate love for certain authors or certain architectures, fighting the culture, because culture is also criticism, and criticism makes them tremble.

Dictators are extremely sensitive people who love animals and children.

Dictators are ugly, and sleep little.

Dictators there will always be, as long as we ordinary people will continue to be 1) servants asleep, or just 2) any person .


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