Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Jabot Curtain Pattern

crown jewel

Non ho mai amato particolarmente quello che va sotto la definizione di "glam-rock": Roxy Music, i T-Rex di Marc Bolan, Gary Glitter, i Kiss (mamma mia!) e via disco orrendo. Quando vidi per la prima volta " Diamond Head " in un negozio di Londra, conoscevo già Brian Eno , per alcuni suoi lavori, e questa fu la ragione principale che mi spinse a comprare il disco. Il resto lo fecero la bella copertina e l'elenco dei collaboratori, per questo primo lavoro solista del chitarrista dei Roxy Music .

Philip Targett-Adams, nacque a Londra nel 1951 da padre inglese e madre colombiana, ma passò i primi anni della sua vita in giro per il mondo, soprattutto South America and Cuba on the island just "met" for the first time the instrument and learned to use it. The stage name is a tribute to one of the most famous musicians in Mexico, Armando Manzanero , which influenced especially the way he plays. After some experiences in the "canterburiano" became part of the " Roxy Music" in 1972. Some commercially successful album, then, without leaving the set of Bryan Ferry and resumed contact with some of his old friends (Bill MacCormick, Robert Wyatt and others) and involves them in the project together with another fugitive from the Roxy Music, the aforementioned Brian Eno. What will be later identified by a number (" 801 ", dai versi di una canzone di Brian Eno - We are the 801, we are the central shaft - dove la pronuncia inglese di 801 suona "Eight Nought One", le cui iniziali formano E N O) prende, per ora, la forma del primo disco solo di Phil Manzanera . Registrato tra Dicembre 1974 e Gennaio 1975, l'album esce nel corso del '75. Impressionante, come dicevo, l'elenco dei musicisti coinvolti. Oltre a Brian Eno, Paul Thompson, Eddie Jobson e Andy Mackay dei Roxy Music, ci sono Robert Wyatt, Bill MacCormick ( Matching Mole e Quiet Sun ), John Wetton ( Family e King Crimson ), Ian MacDonald ( King Crimson ), to mention only the most well-known: the best of the British scene at the time.

The first side opens with " Frontera", sung in English by Robert Wyatt. Then it was the turn of the instrumental track that gives the title track: the guitar enters the bloodstream, filtered by Eno and understand the greatness of Phil. The tempo of a song sung by Brian Eno (" Big Day") in the style of his first album and there is another instrumental track ("The Flex ") with the saxophonist Andy Mackay who steals the show at the Phil's guitar. The front closes with "Same Time Next Week " where the rhythm of an unusual musical time, the distinctive voice of John Wetton the duet with Doreen Chanter, former vocalist Joe Cocker. Opens the second side another song by Brian Eno ("Miss Shapiro ). The following piece is a tribute to Phil's first experience in England for the recording of this song, "East Of Echo ", the group will reform Quiet Sun (Charles Hayward-drums, keyboards-Dave Jarrett, Phil Manzanera -guitar, Bill MacCormick-bass), which will impact soon after his first and last LP (Mainstream ). In the penultimate track ("Lagrima ) Andy Mackay oboe accompanied by the sounds of acoustic guitars treated and turned over to Eno. The 33giri ended with "Alma "Sung by Bill MacCormick that ends with a heartbreaking solo of our Phil. The CD version of 1999 has a bonus track," Carhumba ", Santana-style.
Ultimately a cornerstone of the music 70s and beyond.

Track listing: All songs by

Phil Manzanera, EXCEPT WHERE noted.

1. "Frontera" in English sung by Robert Wyatt (Manzanera / MacCormick / Wyatt)
2. "Diamond Head" (instrumental) 3
. "Big Day" sung by Brian Eno (Manzanera / Eno)
4. "The Flex" (instrumental)
   5. "Same Time Next Week" sung by John Wetton and Doreen Chanter (Manzanera/Wetton)
   6. "Miss Shapiro" sung by Brian Eno (Manzanera/Eno)
   7. "East of Echo" (instrumental, performed by Manzanera's earlier group Quiet Sun)
   8. "Lagrima" (instrumental)
   9. "Alma" sung by Bill MacCormick (Manzanera/MacCormick)
  10. "Carhumba" (instrumental)


    * Phil Manzanera — electric 6 and 12 string guitars, tiplé, acoustic guitar, synthesized guitar, bass, string synthesizer, organ, piano, vocals
    * Robert Wyatt — vocals, timbales, cabasa, background vocals
    * Brian Eno — vocals, treatments, rhythm guitar, piano, percussion
    * Eddie Jobson — strings, fender piano, electric clavinet, synthesizer
    * Dave Jarrett - keyboards
    * Andy Mackay — soprano and alto saxophone, oboe
    * Ian MacDonald — bagpipes
    * John Wetton — bass, vocals, mellotron
    * Bill MacCormick — bass, vocals
    * Brian Turrington — bass
    * Paul Thompson — drums
    * Danny Heibs - percussion
    * Chyke Madu - percussion
    * Sonny Akpan - congas, percussion, bongos, big gong, maracas
    * Charles Hayward - percussion
* Doreen Chanter - vocals

Enjoy ...


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