Monday, March 23, 2009

Menstruation Discharge

Numeri belli

Ok, this time staff is a little gloating.
Foreword, the credit is not mine.
The credit goes to all of the association and in particular to Francis and Wolves. Franz
I already mentioned (but did not speak enough) Wolves do not.
A member and works with our other members. It deals with numbers, accounts and, as I say, is accurate, precise, methodical.
fell in love with a project covered by the next post and, in addition to financing, is in charge of keeping in order our disorder. He does not will never be grateful enough for that.

But back the subject of the post.
The March 18 meeting there was the seed of a smile. In addition to a summary of the project, degree progress and new projects on the way, were given the figures of the 2008 budget.
Between these two I put in the original chart.

speaks for itself, no? Mi piace quando non c'è bisogno di parole. :-)
il grafico non è preciso.
I costi struttura sono stati lo 0,86% del totale.


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