Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Blond And Brown Hair Styles


Il mio dossier arbitrale

Il calcio è (anche) un mondo di frasi fatte e di luoghi comuni. Tutta una serie di espressioni verbali care a certa stampa riecheggiano sui giornali e nelle televisioni col fine di commentare fatti ed episodi o per sancire l'incontrovertibilità di una decisione arbitrale piuttosto che per decretare, salomonicamente, un errore commesso dai protagonisti in campo. Leggere “Gol mancato, gol subito” o ascoltare “Il ball is round "(but not spherical? Oh well, geometry is not the strong who uses the word to live), you take for granted such as coffee at breakfast.
Among the myriad of phrases that do not always find an objective response in practice, there is surely the expression "At the end of a league referee errors are compensated." According to these "theoretical game", before which the luminary John Nash is a schoolboy, the final classification of a football team would always be true because the points added or subtracted, under the oversight of former black jackets, they would represent a computation sum zero. "If you really must be no benefits or penalties - continue the skilled mathematicians of the world of football - these are quantified in the order of a couple of points." Well, given that by nature are contrary to generalizations metacostruzioni and daughters of some kind of universal law, I went to do four calculations on the calendar that I support the team, Napoli. My opinion is to be objective. Provo, therefore, to analyze things to the net of my faith. An examination, this, which claims to be free from heart condition.
The numbers are irrefutable entities, although they are abstract. Although such numerical symbols are comunque frutto di una serie di regole imposte dall'uomo; hanno quindi valore oggettivo. Se due più due fa quattro e non tre è perchè abbiano deciso di istituire questa regola che è diventata metro e misura delle cose enumerabili. Stabiliti questi paletti, e senza scadere in disquisizioni di stampo filosofico, appare chiaro che il numero nudo e crudo non mente. Interpretabili sono le parole, i testi, le sensazioni... non i numeri! Il numero parla chiaro, ma v'è poca gente disposta ad ascoltarlo. Il numero grida, alza la voce, si dibatte per essere sentito, ma forse si esprime ad una frequenza inascoltabile dall'orecchio umano. Forse sarò un virtuoso, forse sono semplicemente fortunato ma, pur non essendo un amante della matematica e dei suoi surrogati, so ascoltare e leggere quello che i numeri hanno da dire a noi esseri razionali e raziocinanti. Ebbene, oggi i numeri mi hanno parlato a chiare lettere e mi hanno detto che, a 5 giornate dalla fine, il Napoli ha un bottino di 49 punti. Non male se si considera una stagione in cui le squadre che lottano per l'Europa, sia quella “gold” che quella “silver”, vanno a passo di tartaruga. Alla fine di questo intervento ci accorgeremo che il Napoli dovrebbe avere qualche punto in più. I risultato dell'analisi saranno addirittura sorprendenti, per certi versi clamorosi. Analizzerò caso per caso, partita per partite, episodio per episodio, proprio per non lasciare nulla alle capziose interpretazioni di chicchessia.
Ready away. Palermo - Napoli. First race of the championship, the first three points deducted. The advantage would go to Naples, but the referee decided to cancel the goal Hamsik for a non-existent offside. The Azzurri manage to pass through a feat of the Slovak midfielder. But not enough. The referee is not satisfied on the error Hamsik, does not see a sensational charge of Cavan area on May awaiting the release of De Sanctis. It 's the balance. In a foul shot Zuniga naive determining the penalty converted by Miccoli. It 'clear that without these errors, Napoli would bring home three points. Missing, in fact, a network for Naples, Palermo and the benefits di una segnatura che andava annullata. Classifica aggiornata: 52 punti.
Non serve attendere molto tempo per l'ennesima giornata storta dell'arbitro. Terza di campionato, il Napoli è in scena al Marassi contro il Grifone. Il Napoli di Donadoni parte forte, fortissimo. Il solito Genoa, che è sempre tarantolato quando incontra gli azzurri, la butta in rissa. Sopra tutti vi è il sempre sopra le righe Sculli. L'atteggiamento provocatorio dei calciatori rossoblu determina la sacrosanta espulsione per proteste di Mimmo Criscito. Il Napoli si trova in superiorità numerica e addirittura in vantaggio. Ma si sa, il direttore di gara è cornuto per definizione (e si torna alle classiche frasi fatte del calcio). Maybe to have it made from deer antlers is a plumber in Naples. So our director sees a foul of a persistent nervous Campagnaro (former Samp caught because, as May on the other hand) in area. Sculli (him again) is dropped. It earns a yellow card instead of being strictly non-existent with attached expulsion of the "Bull" Moron. In the second half, 10 against 10 and in good spirits under the heels, Napoli collapses and takes 4. But if the referee had directed without thinking of his wife who was vigorously penetrated by master Pasquale, the plumber mentioned above, the Blues have brought home another three points. When updating the table and we share the eleventh Neapolitan 55. Three league games and already six points are subtracted. Good start. Meanwhile, the Vatican excommunicated already preparing for the swearing that I have spoken plentiful. But it will not end here, unfortunately.
Day # 4. And we're the only episode in favor of Naples. At St. Paul stage to Udinese. This is a pretty boring game, one of those that are discounted. And it will. To confirm my good faith, I note that in that game is canceled, a former regular goal Di Natale. Napoli gets a point that did not deserve. Then, the rankings by virtue of this episode, would share in the Naples 54 points.
From this moment on the history of the league Napoli will change. On the next trip to Milan against Inter, the Neapolitan will suffer a humiliating 3-1 defeat. The goal of the 2-0 is clearly offside, but to be fair, it must be said that the mistake does not affect the final result. At least it does so in a self-evident. I was at the San Siro at the end of hostilities and sports was mortified. Perhaps the same mood that he felt De Laurentiis, a little later (after Rome - Naples), will make a "clean sweep". Vertices are cleared with the removal of technical and Donadoni Marino before then. The future is with the face of Bigon and pragmatism of Mazzarri bringing enthusiasm and expertise. The Tuscan gives wings to Naples, which begins a vigorous comeback to the upper tiers of the rankings.
for a while 'time everything seems to go well. Fourteenth Napoli feels perfume in Europe. The relegation zone is far away, the worst game imposed by Donadoni is a faded memory. The depression of the fans is replaced by a sacrosanct and justified euphoria. Parma, author of an amazing season, even if full of "spintarelle" arbitration, is in the Champions area. The "Tardini" is as usual packed with Neapolitan, being conquered by the Emilia Naples in particular and South in general. It should be on stage at the football academy. Lavezzi is absent and in attacco Quagliarella è affiancato da Denis. Un primo tempo magistrale, da documentario sul bel gioco. Gargano in mediana è un direttore d'orchestra: recupera, imposta e accorcia la squadra: un tarantolato dalla mente lucida. Poche altre volte lo vedremo così “pizarrianamente” ispirato. Quagliarella, dopo un periodo di forma poco felice, corre e si danna l'anima. Primo episodio: rigore netto negato allo stabiese. Ma il Napoli non si lascia abbattere. Denis trova un bel gol che porta il Napoli in meritato vantaggio. Nella ripresa Hamsik sbaglia tanti, troppi gol ma, nonostante questo, il Parma non si rende pericoloso. A pochi istanti dalla fine l'uomo di giallo vestito s'inventa un rigore. Aronica sarebbe, nelle idee malsane del direttore notice, the offender to drop in area Lanzafame. The referee reverses the decision, since the former Bari to drag down the defender of Naples. Penalty invented that Amoruso (damn ex) transforms. As an extreme insult, Contini is kicked out for protesting. It should be noted, therefore, use "bushel" of tags, so as to weaken the plan for the next race. With anger in his heart and under the insults of the cowardly sons of bitches biancoscudati (even those balls that caused appearance and then disappeared into the crowd) go home with two points less on the scoresheet. Standings: Naples 56 points.
Everything goes well until the end of the first round. No episode rimarchevole a sfavore o in favore del Napoli. Dopo un girone intero, visti i favori (uno solo) e i torti (tre clamorosi) sono ben 7 i punti che mancano alla classifica azzurra. Ma non era un gioco a somma zero?
La prima di ritorno è Napoli – Palermo. I rosanero godono di un rigore molto equivoco, ma De Sanctis sventerà la minaccia parando il tiro di Miccoli.
E' alla terza di ritorno che andrà in scena l'ennesimo capitolo controverso nel rapporto Napoli-AIA, che non è la marca dei polli (anche se da tali si comportano), ma l'associazione italiana arbitri. Ancora una volta protagonista è il Genoa di Preziosi, i cui poteri, obviously, are very strong and hidden. In fact, Naples was denied a penalty in the sun for a touch of the hand of Moretti. The referee sees, record, raises both hands and is continuing. It also lacks an expulsion rossoblù and it is clear that fails, however, are the three points for Napoli. There must be satisfied with just one. Standings: 58 points.
Udinese - Napoli. Match scandalous. Napoli is now under a very dubious penalty. May a player strokes behind Juventus and they will drop like a lifeless corpse at the center of the area. Christmas realizes. But wisely, the same in May, he manages to put things right. But the referee Damato, pugliese di nascita, merda di fatto, combina il patatrac. Non concede un rigore per l'atterramento dello stesso Maggio in area. A nulla serve mostrare all'arbitro i segni dei tacchetti sul polpaccio, il direttore è irremovibile: decide per la simulazione del napoletano. Secondo cartellino (il primo, altrettanto ingiusto, è stato “regalato” in occasione del generoso rigore) e Napoli in dieci. Nella stessa azione l'arbitro commette tre errori: non dà il rigore, ammonisce per simulazione un calciatore invece leso e non espelle per chiarissima occasione da gol il difensore dell'Udinese. Nella ripresa il Napoli in dieci tiene testa e sfiora più volte la segnatura. Il paradiso scende in terra quando Pazienza centra un palo che tutt'ora trembles. In the Naples Area recovery suffers 2-1 and then 3-1 with a fraudulent Di Natale, who pretends not to see a fellow on the ground and is assisted by gravity. It is these, and is intent to dissolve a cramp in Floro Flores, holding the game in which peasant denier bags for the third time, while a imbufalito Campagnaro pursues him to spit hate dialectic more than justified. Latest "gem" of the meeting is of no expulsion of Lukovic for a second yellow card. Damato giving yellow to a buddy and save the innocent defender would have recovered from red equality. "Hat-trick" for Christmas, three points from Napoli. Updated: 61 points.
Il girone di ritorno è uno stillicidio. Dopo la trasferta in terra friulana il Napoli affronta l'Inter di un sempre più ridicolo Mourinho che ha inscenato una diatriba a distanza con Mazzarri. Un botta e risposta durato sette giorni che aveva come tema centrale i presunti piagnistei del Napoli. Squadra che, nonostante tutto, non aveva mai espresso lamentele vibranti. A differenza di quanto faceva l'Inter, che oramai si lamentava anche dei calendari altrui. In un San Paolo gremito l'Inter vede il Napoli giocare l'ennesima partita strepitosa. Mourinho è annichilito e torna a casa con un punto stiracchiato e immeritato. Il portoghese si lamenterà di un maldestro fallo di mani di Aronica in area (il rigore a mio avviso c'era), ma omette di dire, coward in his modus operandi, and that Cambiasso Snejider were expelled for two murders committed fouls in the first half. So is a peer that ultimately is. And I mentioned this game only to emphasize that Napoli did not suffer any penalty for the gift that is not granted.
arrive at the seventh day of return. At the scene of St. Paul is hated Rome, a team whose presence in Serie A is a legal absurdity, as its president in debt to the tip of the hair. A team whose fans are allowed to go away if the only way to guarantee a fan base that destroyed a train in going to Florence and is awarded by the superintendent of Bari with the granting of a curve whole with 13,000 tickets available. A vile and cowardly supporters that you report to stabbings, gaze, repeated explosions of bombs, attacks on stewards and so on and so forth. But maybe I will speak of this in another paper. I stick to the facts of the field. Napoli, as usual, dominates the maneuvers. In the first real distraction, Vucinic is a fine goal by throwing into disarray all the fans. They spend a few minutes and there is the masterpiece of "black jacket". Quagliarella is in the area, fired at brings clear goalscoring chances. Juan anchors it from behind, sharply. From curve A, between a mastiff and the other, I can see everything perfectly. But the referee mad. Forse anche lui ha avuto la moglie pesantemente fottuta, forse in una “gangbang” tutta partenopea. Non concede il rigore, non caccia fuori un colpevole Juan e mostra il cartellino giallo ad un incredulo Quagliarella. Il Paradiso riscenderà in terra. Forse ho capito il senso del titolo del famoso libro di Jacques Le Goff. E' ovvio che dopo il danno v'è la Beffa... ah, queste frasi fatte. Campagnaro atterra Vucinic in area e la Roma si porta sullo 0-2. Sarà un rigore fischiato per fallo di mano di Mexes e trasformato da Hamisk a riaprire la partita. Un grande Denis, che si procura il rigore, metterà la firma su una partita davvero spettacolare. Fa un gran gol con un tiro ad incrociare che annichilisce Doni. In serata, come estrema fregatura, We must attend to the words of "slow motion" as are the unintentional foul Mexes, partly because the ball would, according to this alleged experts of the ball, touched first the knee. Here, once again, the media are trying to distort reality with the usual metanarratives supported the publication of instrumental and incomplete images that convince the public Boeotian, that part of the population - alas - Pecorile attitude, preferring to rely on others' opinion rather than to investigate firsthand. And so, between a story instrumental, and a penalty not seen a failure to eject, we find ourselves with two more penalty points. Updated: 63 points.
In Naples many people, the usual defeatist indeed, begins to talk about the end of the now proverbial "Mazzarri effect." A good look at things, "to hear the numbers", it is clear that the Tuscan verve made by the technician is limited by the misfortune of the referee. Too many points are missing. But unfortunately we did not end here.
They spend only 13 days. Napoli Fiorentina face a decimated and just come out (undeservedly) by the Champions. Perhaps the AIA wants to give back to the purple that took off in that Ovrebo of Monaco of Bavaria. The fact is that it makes yet another "crime sports." The part with his usual air of Naples: attack and puts the opponent on the ropes. Lavezzi, strangely head, unlock the game. It 's still the Argentine to have the opportunity to close before the end of the first half. The few flies to the door protected by Frey. Stalls and the opportunity to find lingered Felipe. These, in a slip killer, hook your feet much of Pocho and pulls them down cleanly. The referee, a few meters, does not see what you have observed over 40,000 ptestimoni. The "whistle" let it go, not decreed the penalty and, even worse, does not eject the Brazilian defender. In the second half against Napoli off the brain and underwent three networks, the latest of which is worthy of "never said goals. " But the fact is that the referee takes three points to virtually conquered all'undici Mazzarri. Updated standings: Naples 66 points.
brings us to the last episode. The game is Napoli - Parma. Already the first leg binacoscudati had stolen two points. Now the team Brescia Pork able to do best: take the spoils in the fetid Emilia Romagna full, to the delight of pseudoultras Parma with the pillow under her ass and yellow and blue balloons with the same color as is shown at parties of children of primary school. Napoli part once again strong. At the 4th minute is already ahead. The ride ends with a Lavezzi assist the bacio sul piede di un accorrente Quagliarella che infila il compaesano Mirante. Dopo, il solito Napoli sprecone: Lavezzi divora un gol a tu per tu col portiere e cicca l'assist per un sicuro 2-0, ancora di Quagliarella. In apertura di ripresa Mirante dice tre volte no ad Hamsik. Dopo altre azioni pericolose, il Napoli subisce due gol in maniera assurda. I ragazzi di Mazzarri riescono, però, a scuotersi trovando un pareggio veloce. Sul 2-2 Romeo, “fischietto” di Verona, non vede un fallo da rigore netto su Quaglierella. Poteva essere il 3-2. Lo stabiese dice qualche parole di troppo e il fiscale scaligero mostra il rosso al napoletano. Ma non è finita qui. In un'azione di contropiede Crespo spazza via Grava in maniera irregolare e dà l'assist Jimenez in the third goal which ran from midfield. A net foul, resounding, indisputable, is read to the contrary (déjà vu Palermo). And with that the other three points are missing. I do not want to be too optimistic, giving the error on the case of penalty not given. But still missing (at least) a call. I keep myself down and say that we are at 67.
But on Napoli - Parma there is a heavy train. Just at this moment it is known that Tosel, the filthy sports court already famous in that of Naples, has banned for three days, Quagliarella, Camoranesi that instead pardoning nearly blows with an elbow from the hospital Conti hardened criminal. We are at the usual and is not useful to say more words.
Maybe those few people who read this blog jumped from his chair when they read that Naples has almost 20 points less. In my calculations based on "talking numbers" Napoli have 67 points, therefore, the same importance, and one less than league leaders Roma, Rome, among other things he enjoyed in a fraudulent one point more in Naples. So would the Giallorossi paired in the lead with Inter and Napoli. This is not to say that Naples would fight for the Scudetto. Far be it from me to fall into one account so exaggerated as to seem insane. Even if the umpires, however, were only half wrong in towards the blue and had taken "only" eight points, now we have Napoli 57. It would therefore be in fourth place alone, with some more points on Palermo, Sampdoria and Juventus. It has the advantage of a schedule really ridiculous to the end. Also and above all because it should be noted that Palermo and Juventus are the teams that have enjoyed the most favorable number of episodes. It returns the squalid problem of political influence within the institutions of the ball
I will say that if all the fans of other teams will bring to analyze the whole season, would all of the points. E 'can not deny it. But I do not think you would find teams who miss 18 points! I know, the figure seems absurd, but you have got to read the raw numbers and pure. And they do not lie, ever. I told them I have heard and incontrovertible facts, things that nobody would dare to refute.
are crazy about football, I live it. The Napoli is a concept too deep to explain rationally. Love for the shirt its like, not is part of cognitive categories or interpretations. Explaining the irrational can not justify the imponderable is the work useless. And for this love I never thought there was some invisible hand that moved the wires. I have often repeated that admitting the existence of a covert director who decides certe cose a tavolino dovrebbero crollare le fondamenta su cui si regge la mia fede. Questo non potrà accadere, perché dietro i colori biancazzurri c'è la difesa della mia città, del mio popolo, della mia cultura millenaria. Ma il mio lato razionale, quello che parla con l'astratta concretezza dei numeri, mi dice che c'è qualcosa che non va. Non sono un complottista, non credo ad astruse teorie come quella del “signoraggio bancario” piuttosto che all'esistenza di macchine misteriose che generano movimenti tellurici. Queste follie, purtroppo ascoltate dalle mie orecchie, le lascio ai creduloni e agli stolti. Io credo ai fatti e questi mi dicono che è in corso un'opera di sistemazione guidata di certi tasselli. Il mosaico must be composed in a certain way and Napoli, sadly and mysteriously, not a piece of this puzzle. For some it is lack of political weight, for others it is a punishment to a leadership "revolutionary." For myself it is simply sucks. Some logic should be external to the sport. They should, but they are not.
"You have broken the football," read one banner a few years ago. That 's what is happening. 5 are the days until the end of the season, I fear that the list of nasty business listed higher is likely to grow.


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