Sunday, April 18, 2010

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After six years came the turning point in the story of former employees of the Company Castaldo. My dossier

After six years came the turning point in the story of former employees of the Company Castaldo.

those of the former workers of the company Castaldo is a story, now infamous, which lasts for over half a decade. The "Castaldo" she worked on behalf of the town of Casoria, maintenance work in city schools. You alla fine del 2004 che nasce il caso, allorquando trentasei operai vengono licenziati a decorrere dal 1° gennaio del 2005.
Da quel momento si aprirà una stagione molto lunga e travagliata fatta di promesse, marce indietro, speranze e tensioni. Eventi, questi, che porteranno Casoria alle ribalte delle cronache nazionali: clamorose dimostrazioni, frutto dell'esasperazione scaturente dalla mancata realizzazione di precisi impegni presi dalle parti in causa, saranno inscenate dai lavoratori. Il primo campanello d'allarme lo si ha nel 2005, quando vi è l'occupazione da parte dei lavoranti della sede della Margherita, lo schieramento politico di cui faceva parte il primo cittadino all'epoca facts: Joshua De Rosa. "Casus belli" is a breach of promise made by the former mayor: to extend the contract between the City and be firm Castaldo.
But is not the only difficult time for the workers. E 'in full in Christmas of 2009 that three workers in an attempt to have an unscheduled meeting with Mayor Stephen Ferrara, stop the car carrying the mayor while he leaves the town hall. Is followed by friction with the police. For the three men will snap the handcuffs. It will not be the last time that law enforcement will enter the scene.
Former workers of "Castaldo" will be conducted at the police station for clarification, this time without stopping, even after a unique form of protest forced the closure through a lock, the door hall. Complain about a strong symbolic value that, once again, will serve to attract the media attention on this age issue, but without concrete results in the solution of the same.
seems clear that this chain of events has created anxiety among the workers that it should be noted, have been in a situation of great economic insecurity, caused by failure to receive a regular salary for over five years. Women and men with families, former employees of the "Castaldo, have struggled to find answers to their legitimate questions. It is therefore understandable that in certain circumstances, the situation has got out of hand.
should be noted that the attack against the Mayor Ferrara arrives later to yet another controversial chapter of this "never-ending story," to quote the famous novel by Michael Ende. During the administration of the special committee, which has been established until June 2008, it launched a new tender for the maintenance of school premises, which is hiring 18 workers. As if to confirm the chain di sfortunate circostanze che contraddistinguono questa vertenza, l'appalto sarà vinto dalla “Romeo”, che di lì a poco sarebbe stata coinvolta in gravi e ben note vicende giudiziarie. Forse non è stata una coincidenza la succedanea rinuncia da parte dell'impresa all'appalto, che passa, come da regolamento, al secondo classificato, ossia la “Gefi spa”. Quest'ultima, avendone facoltà, subappalta i lavori ad una ditta di Afragola che poi non risulterà essere in regola con la normativa vigente in materia di antimafia. In questo tormentato lustro, come ennesima beffa, non poteva mancare questo genere d'intoppo.
Da questo excursus si può easily understand what may have been the mood of workers casoriani, harassed by a situation that had reached the limits of absurdity. Is unjustifiable violence in all its forms and manifestations, but it is understood the exasperation of those who can not "find peace" in a very Italian story that did not make a good advertisement for our city life.
But the tenacity of the workers, corroborated by their expressions and their pegs in the square Cyril night repeated the long run have had the desired effect.
By early 2010, in fact, it would seem that This tangled mosaic tiles begin to move slowly to their seats. The "GEFI," noted the difficulties of the subcontractors to be certified Anti-Mafia, decided, by an act of extreme moral responsibility seems to us, to be laden with the workers directly. Indeed, it was agreed, thanks to the wonders of Fillea Cgil Casoria that echoed the complaints of the workers and the commitment of the municipal administration, this time directly concerned with the fate of the workers, the number of the assumptions ascended from 18 to 21. Another ten workers therefore do not work. But the agreement between the parties has determined that the "GEFI" if you win invitations to tender, even outside the territory Casoria, is committed to absorb the remaining employees in its staff.
Over 5 years of "battles" and not only legal, therefore, seem to have finally given hope to the families of these workers. In the context of employment and economic crisis, the happy ending of an apparently intractable, must be taken as a positive signal within the frame work casoria which unfortunately continues to take very dark colors.

Diego Catalan.


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