Monday, January 17, 2011

Good Fast Reliable Laptops 2010

Dampyr - N.130

Title: DAMPYR, N.130
Subject: Mauro Boselli
Writer: Mauro Boselli
Colors: no
Lettering: Lucas ROPE
ISBN: no
Pages: 96
Edition: Sergio Bonelli, 01-2011
is available at newsstands the first number 2011 of Dampyr , entitled "The House of Storks."

Lisa, the slave of the demon Thorke, still suffers the nefarious influence of his jailer, and the attempt to start a new life, opening a toy store in Bruquewihr, does not guarantee the peace.
Harlan, believing he saw Lisa walking around Prague, flew to followed and is written in blood on the snow, a message of love from the woman. For the first time
dampyr really scared, but can not reject the new mission entrusted to him by Caleb Lost.
In a house, known as the "House of the Storks," to appear suddenly Bruquewihr some children who are then admitted to an institution for children. Harlan, accompanied dall'avvenente Angelique, she traveled to Alsace and the two, while leaving the institution that houses the little ones, realize that one of these is hidden in their car. The boy is called Toni and many years ago, along with his brother, escaped from the man who made him lavorare come spazzacamino. Mentre affamati percorrevano la via del ritorno, per racimolare qualche soldo, si offrirono di pulire un camino rischiando di essere catturati dal temutissimo uomo nero. In loro soccorso intervenne Ljuba, l’alter ego di Lisa che ha conservato l’aspetto di una bambina, che li portò nel suo rifugio segreto dove, insieme agli altri spazzacamini scampati al mostro, Toni e il fratello aspettarono di tornare a casa.
Il dampyr dovrà di nuovo combattere contro il demone che ha irrimediabilmente danneggiato la mente di Lisa.
Dopo la battaglia Harlan, accanto alle ferite del corpo, dovrà soffrire anche per una profonda lacerazione dell’animo: Lisa, la donna che ama, è scomparsa di nuovo.
offers us an adventure with a strong emotional impact, the protagonists are often found to cross the border to enter the real world in the nightmare, opening a hole from which even the demons can invade our world and causing luring recruits pernicious influence on the human soul.
In this issue we see the debut of Fortunato Bonelli, former designer John Doe, his personal style and fits perfectly charming adventure, evoking in each table, the atmosphere dark and dreamlike.

Web Resources:
Mauro Boselli on Wikipedia
The blog of Alessio Fortunato
Sergio Bonelli Editore


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